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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for CRITISISM, EDUCATIONAL and JOURNALISTIC purposes.
Take this video as a learning tool and watch how NOT to behave on the road.
Please, Drive Safely!
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4:43 I think your gona need a biger boat
There called cars not boats.
What a bunch of funny looking boats
The faster you hit water the more likely to hydrolock the engine. If water is over your hood… You are just a moron. Id love to see the reactions of these "it stalled" idiots when they find out they basically need a new engine…. Not to mention some automatic transmissions have breather holes on top of them so thats gunna be filled with water too. Lol so many stupid people so little time to watch them all fail.
Cuz air intake is so low. Carb is better. Just dont go way too deep haha
0:50 I guess you cant beat the water lol
and that's why cars have bad reviews people treat them like this and when they tear up they're like oh duh why did my car tear up stupid stupid people
Extend the air intake and do NOT let off the gas. That's what I was always told
When u think that a car engine operates the same as a boat engine
It'll be fine. Just throw them in a big bag of rice.
If you moving and the water over your hood you slow tf down. If you not moving and the water over your hood you stupid
It’s called a snorkel people
This is why I keep a snorkel in my truck's cargo bin….
i love idiots ruing theyr cars pfff
WOW! How stupid are drivers? You're not driving a boat, you fools!!
glad i watched this
May I suggest a boat?
you don't floor it through deep water idiots your just making a wave in front of your car
I think most of the public has no idea the damage they can do to their engines. They think the car can just dry out and everything will be fine.
What I learned is 'Drive slowly in a flood'. That way, the front of the car won't make a wave that washes over the air intake.
Can you say "bent rod"? Now I see why I had more work than I could handle, people are stupid.
I wouldn't take a bicycle into some of these places.
What is pathetic about these chumps who drive their cars into the water is that they are usually smiling…
"The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys."
The only proper automobile that I saw on this video is the land cruiser at 3:50.
At some point an auto will begin to float and lose traction on the bottom which is saturated giving ZERO grip.
The main killer of the car driven through deep water is the shorts created in the ignition system.
Snorkels don't help for that. Plus NOBODY really likes to push cars out of a mud hole. Think about it.
What puts the nail in the coffin of a soaked car, besides the screwed engine, is the RUINED upholstery.
at 5:50 the creek is in Texas. Four Shore, dood…
Les conducteurs de 4×4 ne sont pas stupide ca fait partie du sport mais les autres hahaha petit manque de jugement
Most of these Muppets, don't even check where the air intake is.
Some people just LOVE to replace multi-thousand dollar engines….
diesel and snorkel is the way to go
What kind of person sees that the road is flooded, keeps on trying to get through that road anyway, and completely omits the fact that not 50 meters away there is a road leading them bone dry past the flooded section of road?
In some of these cases, there is even a stretch og track right next to the flooded trail, but oh no. They absolutely have to choose the water.
I thought it took at least half a brain to aquire the right to drive a vehicle, but apparently I'll have to rethink that.
It's a car, not a boat. Water damage is very expensive to fix and your car is never the same.
Anybody ever see Dante's Peek? Corny movie, but I keep thinking of the scene where everybody's trying to drive into the river to get away from the volcano and Pierce Brosnan is the only one who makes it because he has a "snorkel." We got our science teacher in high school to let us watch it because we were talking about volcanoes at the time. LOL
9:33 и мотористам привет передай.
Even a truck can't take that water like that.
so driven with MJ's song i guess. hahaha
I been in a diesel Range Rover classic with a snorkel and had water over the bonnet nearly half way up the windshield.
called an air intake… not a water intake….
Que pelotudos. No se dan cuenta que la entrada de aire la tapa el agua. jajajaja
Why do so many of these MORONS say they're car "Has Stalled" If it had JUST stalled, the engine would re-start, BUT if they FU@@ED it up because they went through water too deep, then they're stuck.
No land rovers I see, could that be because they're better than that yank shit?
Many engines died in this video……….RIP
не зная брода не суйся в воду!
I can understand the ones that are having fun and know what the outcome might be, but the others are dumb. it's not a submarine DUMBASS
They laughed when i said i put a norkel on my truck. Well who's laughing now ass hole!!! muahahah! I'll norkel all the way home! My trucks a cuba diver!
There are some really dumb drivers out there!
why don't you start fitting water filter meshes so only air goes in and water does not?phones do that then why not cars
And that's why I always fill up my tyres with helium before heading out on a rainy day.
Water damage is very hard to repair and even when it is, your car never performs like it used to.
Any if this karma do u even know the word karma stupid