Jaguars vs. Giant Otters: Who Will Win? | Nat Geo Wild

Jaguars vs. Giant Otters: Who Will Win? | Nat Geo Wild
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Giant otters are very territorial. When these jaguars encroach on their space, the otters fight back.
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This is a giant otter. These are two jaguar sisters named Medrosa and Jaju. They are engaged in a standoff near Panthera’s research station in Southern Brazil. Jaguars have a diet of primarily caimans and capybaras … but these sisters seem intent on possibly broadening their dietary horizons. This individual was able to scare off the two jaguar sisters. Giant otters are carnivorous and have acute agility in the water. Some local tribes have dubbed them “aquatic jaguars.” The otters form social groups to help maintain control of their territories and to protect one another. In this second standoff between a young female jaguar and a family of otters, the otters prevailed again.

Read more in “” “Two Hungry Jaguars Are No Match for This Plucky Otter.”

Jaguars vs. Giant Otters: Who Will Win? | Nat Geo Wild

Nat Geo Wild


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About the Author: Admin


  1. Otters aren't typically thought of to be fierce animals, but they can handle a fight when necessary. What do you think of these giant otters and jaguars squaring off?

  2. They're inexperienced cups. LMAO
    Ive seen adult jaguars jump in the water with big crocodiles. These otters wouldve been lunch and diner with an hungry adult.

  3. What's the difference between a Jaguar and a Leopard? They both can climb a tree and have a same pattern on their body and they also raise their pubs in similar way.

  4. The Jaguars got married the male to the female come here honey you can see better from the edge ! Oops those Zoo animals are scaring me let's go !

  5. Sisters sisters sisters

    They were female jaguars

    I bet if it was an adult Male we would have had a dead otter

  6. Aquatic otters are extremely dangerous and aggressive. They have powerful jaws, are excellent swimmers and always attack in groups. No surprise to me… Jaguars are not stupid animals. They know they have no chance against an otter hord in water.

  7. What wpuld happen if you would switvh a giant alpha male Jaguar to Africa and alpha male Leopard to South America…obviously the Jag would have problems with not being the apex predator in Africa and also he is not used to be constantly on the trees…but what about big Leopard in S.America?

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