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FIRST -Corey DRIZZLE- https://goo.gl/Cwqyke
0:46 -Crazy Biker 45- https://goo.gl/DrhdoF
1:11 -benward2oo7- https://goo.gl/MvhRWQ
1:23 -06 DorukK Motovlog- https://goo.gl/Kk976M
1:49 -Kyoto MT03- https://goo.gl/1inQsV
2:10 -Jamin in Disguise- https://goo.gl/dDRQmN
2:55 -Mani Motard- https://goo.gl/nBmGvZ
3:16 -VENOMRR- https://goo.gl/AP5txA
3:26 -BikeBree- https://goo.gl/6GeHpL
3:46 -PRID8R- https://goo.gl/hWiexU
4:28 -Jo Speed- https://goo.gl/Y47iw5
4:47 -Bilir Motovlog- https://goo.gl/CkQHjq
5:11 -Lexxa77- https://goo.gl/5W72hm
5:29 -DTD RIDER- https://goo.gl/qYg9kG
5:54 -iCesar- https://goo.gl/xjU5cB
6:08 -Motorlu Voyvoda- https://goo.gl/1uEvVc
6:29 -rrw2gonefishing- https://goo.gl/xAs7xo
6:57 -Carlinho Locura- https://goo.gl/4X38BV
7:23 -Emre Özkılıç- https://goo.gl/X6jXe8
7:58 -Rodrigo Do Grau- https://goo.gl/3rAcfs
8:49 -SaySoTV- https://goo.gl/avCKHF
9:00 -The Lone Wolf 07- https://goo.gl/EvkXs6
9:17 -Andrea Triglia- https://goo.gl/X8vxkL
9:33 -Sekija- https://goo.gl/7M7ZKd
9:50 -_Don_Patchy- https://goo.gl/4GKWPJ
All videos used with owners permissions.
Outro Music – Lunatic by RADEK
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Best Motorcycle Crashes Compilation 2018
DirtBike Lunatic 2018
1:41 Türkiyeeee as bayrakları
Some just can’t fucking ride their bike retards
Everytime I see a biker go down, I help. And I try to be as calm and supportive as possible… But if they are wearing thin trousers/shorts, a T-shirt and/or no gloves. Then I have no sympathy for them if they are in pain… AGAT.
7:25 Yeah fcuk Crosswalk, I'm gonna put my kid out front.
(Glad that kid wasn't hurt)
every time i see these videos I am reminded that fast bikes are not suitable for inexperienced crowd.
Everyone was worried about the baby and not him. She’s the one who went into the rode
I did ride a bike 20 years ago actually Im really happy with my car do not wish to ride anymore after checking this kind of compilation.
Br da um slv aqui
06 Doruk ?
No skills and is dumb as a stick.
9:34 the bike just slides In between the two cars
Fucking Car Drivers. ??
9:40–9:43 those cars are lucky
If I ever become a biker and ever get into an accident, I won't be screaming at the other person and will just ask if they were alright, but if they start blaming me if it was their fault in the first place, I will be very sure to defend myself…but I prefer not to curse. I be too soft.
7:25 She should have looked both sides first before she pushed her kid and herself forward, she should know that.
Stupid bikers
Ебаные Сука пешеходы
Some are good but most of these riders had it comming .
Ohh child
2:03 um br em um canal gringo kkk primeria vez q vejo isso
mas ficou top
Very good..???
Tutorial is dead..???
Bikers run into the back of cars and say its the cars fault. They are the STUPIDEST PEOPLE on the Planet. BAN MOTORCYCLES
I LOVE seeing Bikers Crash, Blah Ha Ha Ha Ha Die BITCHES
Unpopular opinion: Two minutes into the video, and I gotta say: Most of those drivers, didn't wear safety gear. Regardless, many were speeding and driving recklessly. Obviously they were going to get hurt one day.
they ride too fast in town too ^^
1:16 the work of the smartphone
hi this is kashan from pakistan i love your videos keep it up
The video esa awesome!❤️
Me watching the video: you are stupid, you too and you too
Woooow how the fuck are you gonna walk out of the corner of a car the person coming is blind and you are blind so how the fuck was she gonna do if it was a car ,it was completely her fault
Malditas motos
negro en el de 7:35 le hechan la culpa a el de algo? eso le entendi al de campera roja/bordo/etc…..
It fun moto driver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some of these are t he fault of the rider and i always say , if its a bad car driver ill blame the driver , if it a bad rider im blaming the rider to the bad riders you get what you deserve no one endangered your life … you did 5:41 Bad Bike rider , you where not looking at what you were doing . 0:49 your fault … you are just an idiot i wont lie . i actually hope they revoke your license .
0:53 HAHAHAHAH that's what you get for riding like a cunt on the street.
3:06 HAHAHAH knob
3:37 way to go Ricky Racer
5:35 WTF were you doing???
5:58 when retards meet
9:25 Dude it's a 125. It's not meant to corner like a superbike
No no no
8:25 You can see his skin on the ground
7:40 the attack of the suicidal pedestrians
Every one who go so fast idc if they die
7:25 so stupid chicken!!
What I can see is idiot motorbike drivers going too fast for the busy road undertaking on the outside lanes and wondering why they're getting into accidents they need their licence taken off of them, or go and take there tests again. Doughnuts
orang luar emang gak bisa menendarai
Fast -> Hit -> Idiot Dead ! ?
9:14 the bicycle guy look so confused
That's what he deserves. Idiot.