Zuzu, a two-year-old German Shepard mix, will be taken into the care of an animal rescue group Friday after a video of her went viral. In the video, Zuzu wags her tail and got excited to see her owners, but they wanted a new pup. The family that adopted her complained Zuzu had become depressed after another pet in the family died. She was passed up by her own owners at an animal shelter but is getting a happy ending.
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I'm sure by now she's got a good home I agree the people should not be allowed to have a dog much less going to the place where they gave her up to adopt another one
Where do you adopt her??
Them people need there ass beat
A dog should be a part of the family, and people who kick out a loyal friend that thinks of them as familly, because he is depressed Diserve nothing but getting their asses kicked
“I would love four legged Zuzu”
Cruel people should not get a puppy because when it gets old they will bring it back to the shelter
I need a weapon.
I hope they rot in hell
I would keap my pets until they pass, and if they become depressed i will do EVERYTHING in my power to make them happy.
I hope they don’t have kids. If that kid gets depressed they might drop them off at an orphanage and adopt a new kid
They shouldn’t get another dog! Losers
Hope they all die in cancer
Give me a gun
They don't deserve another dog.
did that shelter allow them to adopt another dog? bc they really shouldn’t have if that’s how they treat their pets.
WHY DID I WATCH THIS!!! ? I would die if my babies were so excited to see me and I just left them there voluntarily!?? gosh they really annoy me sometimes but that is just too devastating to think about ever purposely leaving them especially for a new dog. I couldn’t. I love my monsters.
Also, I missed the happy ending here. Did someone allow this family to adopt a dog? Did Zuzu get her petals back??? ? but seriously did this puppy get a better home?!
that makes me sick
Hope the original owners get what's coming to them
I seriously hope they were not just given a new dog.
I hope they burn in hell
Hope she got adopted?
Blessing in disguise really for the poor girl. She will get a much better owner, one that will stick by her no matter what.
See, we humans don’t deserve these delicate souls in our lives ?
There’s a special place in hell for people like you
Shut up yall act like thwy gone sue them cause they doing if
Tf ..no ..no ..if u leave a dog . Y tf would they give u another one .. that's like putting your child up for adoption then they approve u to adopt another kid ..does this happen to folks ?
Master Chief:I need a weapon.
Lemme go commit a hate crime real quick
if you willingly give up your dog you SHOULD NOT be able to get another one!!!! a dog is a lifelong commitment!
Awww that’s so mean poor dog??
People like the shouldn’t be allow to adopt anymore cause they might be doing the same to the new dog
Family of losers.
I fucken hate those people
How do i adopt this dog????
How dare they!! They should not get another dog!
She became depressed after another pet died so we decided to make it worse and abandoned her ?
Umm?? Why is the shelter letting them adopt again??
Mission Fail
This is exactly like
Parents: oh my child's depressed, better put them up for adoption and buy a new one 🙂
SHE WAS ADOPTED GUYS!!! My heart rests hope yours does too.
Shame on those owners!
I wouldn’t allow them to adopt another dog if I were them