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You'd l know deads
Oh my god
2019 anybody
In America you ride a skateboard
In Soviet Russia skateboard rides you
Damn I skinned my butt today and I thought I had it bad
Nice channels…drop more videos
0:56 mans hair
Why do you think that helmets were made
Video by channel skating fails
These people aretelling me what exactly not to do while skating…
5:31 we just got a letter we just got a letter wonder who its from
I will never skateboard
Sean Eaton liked this video
Hello 360p I got you back
Skateboarding hard. But
Every Time I Go Down A Big Hill Tho I dont put my feet on the tail of the skateboard because for me thats harder to keep you balance when your going really fast i put my feet closer too the center
1:07 that guy enjoyed his ride
Worst one was 11:29
Like this comment if u were fooled! ?
I saw like what? 3 broken bones out of 100 clips?
This is crazy you guys why he jump off the stairs bro that's not cool like they hurting th'er self that's nasty
Aa gezz primal on the back
And I broke my arm
0:55 best way to practice split
1:26 when skateboard hates you(throws you off)
6:48 can't be a boy/dad anymore
Bro. Make more videos like this!!
It’s so funny to me, they land and they just sit with a blank face and say “it’s broken” then they laugh
The first one
I almost broke my hand
Would prefer without all the edits you made. Still fun to watch.
I'm watching this with a broken ankle. I was thinking that it would make me feel better, but it made wince and groan so much.
I'll rather skate straight than to do tricks
Some of them learned to do the splits
Watching a fully grown adult male perform the coveted "Nutcussion" trick by railing his testicles then within .25 seconds slam his prefrontal decision making cortex into pavement is truly a sight to behold. Natural selection at work.
7:32 that’s my school
This is why I only play video games..
I want too do that skateboarding ?. .
So 2 broken bones and the rest are skate fails. Might as well name it "SKATE BAIL COMP????✌️???????" and stay at that