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Wild animals attacks best attacks of wild animals wild animal fights caught on camera wild animals documentary wild animals and the wild places where they live wild animals wild animals list wild animals play an important part in the balance of nature wild animals vocabulary animal wild animals essay wild animals ielts speaking
Rubish will complain on yojtube
That was bullshit , there is no hero here just a lot of mismatched films stitched together
кто снимает Гавно сука Я сам убил Фашист пидарас сука. давно
idiots, lol
The Zebra was dinner . Hate the uploader. Cheap fuck.
Hijo de toda su puta madre ay tienen a uno como pendejo esperando ver al puto búfalo como rescata a la sebra y nada pinches culeros mentirosos un día te van a cojer i sin compacion vasaver
unsa ni nga video siba ko dog show
Mentiroso ?
Putas mentiras
Damn…..this is indicative of humans also, especially blacks who come out into this naked and wicked world with a multiplicity of strikes already against us.
Welcome to amerikkka, this is Babylon gamorrah/
Kruger Wild animals save the ???????????????????????????????
What a lair WHY LIE jus to get hits TOSSER
All u can do is taking that video go an help it u idiot
load of rubbish and just lies , the image is a photoshop of the buffalo carrying the zebra in its mouth
Thanks now watch my vidieo fetus saved from abortion , o yea just kidding. Really stem cell doner
stupid title !!
Mentira…. affffff
U Mather fucker
Headline is false.
Bullshit video. False title, false thumbnail photo.
Whats with the likes, this video should be downvoted for lying to us!
They put false titles to attract people.
every one must dislike this because tittle is not true
Head line video k upper chutiya banane K liye likhi Ben.. ch*d
Mixed videos
Bogus ass bitch
You get me on here to see a baby saved , the only reason I watched an the frist thing I see is a baby die. How horrible and disgusting you are for making this video falsifying the beginning
Thumb down bs
It didn’t escape it couldn’t get up very misleading
Que alguién me traduzca….
Estupido, imbecil, tarado
Huevón mentiroso.
Ponle otro titulo a tu mentira.
Deberían censurarte
I was waiting for buffalo to show up, but I was disappointed ?
What a shitty ass video. It's a mish-mash of other videos copied and pasted together. NEXT! Misleading title as well.
Fucking shitty videos. Blatant fucking lies.
Assalam alaikum, why the titles of the videos are not truthful to the content of the video? most of people nowadays are not truthful, they usually use lies in their lives.
Thumb nail liar
Helft mir ! Ich finde das gerettete Zabra nicht. Sehe nur Tod/Mord. Ja, Natur halt. Muss man das denn noch komprimieren???
My powerful mouth gets the cum out of the cocks. Jijijijijiji.
Deviera ser mas serio con los videos y presentar lo que dice el titulo.
This clip is fuckin' bullshit.
God is watching you.
Proverbs 6:16-19 New International Version (NIV)
16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.