Wild Boar Rescued From Snare | This wild boar was badly tangled in a poacher’s snare — and these guys refused to give up on him ???
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
BRAVE MEN, almost brought me to tears. He could've killed them, or left them with serious permanent injury, including paralysis and traumatic brain injury. God Bless Them for risking their lives and safety to help this wonderful animal =) I am very ill, very ill and in excruciating pain almost constantly, plus 99.99999% bedbound. This channel is one of the few things I can partake in, that gives me hope and joy on the days I find it difficult to see the positives in life. Thanks =) God Bless Everyone, I hope today is a life-affirming day for you too!!!
Uh… Is there still a place on this planet where boar are not either invasive and/or extremely overpopulated and destructive? There are, in general, no "poaching" restrictions for problem species. In fact in most cases RELEASING a problem animal from the trap is a violation as opposed to trapping it in the first place.
That took courage. Fortunately, by the time you let him go he knew you were trying to help.
Isn't tampering with traps illegal?
Good men.even great human beings!
A boar that size shouldn't be let free unless it was a wildlife sanctuary or a privately owned boar farmers property. The snare was there to trap the boar for a good reason. Someone may be trying to save his/her farm & a whole lot of hard work. These animals are the worst they raid & destroy crops & vegetable patches on large scale. They eat what they eat & then they destroy the rest. These are very picky animal about what they eat. They'll choose the best ones to eat but to find those best ones they'll destroy the rest. Being a farm owner with wild boars around I know how bad it feels to see the months of hard work go to nothing in one night.
Boars are invasive.
Good job they saved the boar but… You guys did notice his front paw that was broken or just injured right? Poor animal is probably still suffering from that snare… stupid poachers
ugh, wild boar encounters are more dangerous than encountering bears .. bears 99% of the time will flee / avoid humans.. a wild boar will frequently just outright charge at and easily maim or kill a human.. they are extremely dangerous. Glad they could save it, but it was very dangerous for those nice folks.
Keeping animals from dying doesn't make you a better person
love u guys
god bless poor baby
Good job gentlemen indeed!
Now its free to destroy all the crops it wants.
That was a brave and generous thing to do. Well done, gentlemen.
Such kindness thank you for helping him …it was risky for you.
Slovenian or Polish? Im slovak so im not sure
Yes, good job Messieurs.
Well done Gents, well done indeed.
Wild boars cause hundreds of millions of property and crop damage every year they need to be killed
what a herroes!
Thank you guys
well done heroes
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
good job guys
bravo pánové 1 ?
ANGELS do walk the earth
great rescue. and the boar didn't even say thank you.
Kto z polski
People who help animals have good soul