Little Girls Love Taking Care Of All Their Farm Animals | These little girls run their own farm sanctuary, and they have the cutest recipe for “chicken dinner” ?❤️?
To help Rachael and her daughters take care of their rescued farm animals, you can support Greener Pastures Sanctuary: http://thedo.do/pastures. Follow them on Facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/GreenerPasturesSanctuary/.
Love Animals? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCINb0wqPz-A0dV9nARjJlOQ?sub_confirmation=1
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
These little girls really love their farm animals! To help them take care of their rescues, you can support their sanctuary here: http://thedo.do/pastures.
L O V E L Y !
yes, children have to raise animals and stop drinking milk.
So beautiful how these girls are being raised. ❤❤
no fair I want a pet fox ):
Omg they have a fox they are all so cute?
I wish I could do that.
gue gue es cool
Yuck ?
I have a rooster too
❤❤❤❤ Role Models !!!
But what did the fox say
Smol hooman is gud pet owner
If i could giv dem like a 1000 likes i wud
I'm jeauless i want a farm to! They look adorable with those animals
Those girls have a sense of humor
The children have God's gift!
God bless these people
Aw I wanna be jumped on by a fox!
Omg i feel so bad while i was eating some chicken.
haha aurora (like a subnautica ship) and phoenix (like harry potter)
Don't kill animals. Watch "earthlings" slaughter house documentary you will become vegan
That's beautiful!.
All I can see is love and respect for the animals !!Thank you ???????????????????????????????????
My name is aurora
and all those wooden furniture and such come from destroying those animals livelihood.
Seriously im getting better and better watching this videos it helped me a lot so thanks to this channel for sharing
Who freaking guy disliked this video
"Who run the world….girls" ???
Interação mais linda . Anjos e anjos ????????
I must say tiny has the BEST attacking ever . He is cute then comes charging at you and flies in the air
Then James is da pig who like to play the keyboard ????
Turkeys are huge that little chicken is a boss
i love this video.
All puppy's ???
Tiny is so cute
Beautiful kids with a beautiful heart…❤???
Those kids have a big heart ❤️