Rescue Cow Is Pretty Sure He’s Actually A Dog | This little cow’s hobbies include watching TV and going to the beach. You can keep up with Finn and all of his adventures on Instagram, finns.finnstagram: https://thedo.do/cowfinn.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
Confused here, if it’s male, isn’t it a bull? Male cows are bulls. Not cows.
Wow,what a story.
His poops tho
What if it needs to go to the restroom
As much as I love this cute video, I do wonder, what are you doing about all the poo? I worked with cows before and they ALWAYS have some poo somewhere. And if not, they'll make sure to leave a fresh dump immediately. They can't hold their poo like people, so what do they do if the cows sits in the backseat and feels the urge? Must be hard to plan that in.
Beautiful boy <3
Cows are precious. They can be such loving and gentle beings to be around. Like oversized dogs. Some of my fondest childhood memories are from laying down in a field on the countryside with the cows and the calves, enjoying the sun together. The calves liked to play this game where they chase you until you turn around to chase them or til they got what they wanted… to boop me in the butt or headscratches lol
Ohh cutie
this is why im a vegetarian!
Finn's a hero!
Definitely going vegan.
OMG I love cows so much!!! They are sooooooo cute!
We went vegan 5 years ago for my husband's health (colon health issues). I wish I could say it was for animals. But I learned we can thrive perfectly well without meat or dairy. Now I wish everyone could see the health benefits…and for the animals included. 😉
Beautiful ❤️
God bless the cute family.
I love cows. They’re delicious ?
People please consider turning pescatarian like me or vergetarian or if your really a bad ass a Vega., Its SO WRONG N CRUEL TO EAT ANIMALS, THEY HAVE HEARTS, BRAINS, EYES AND EMOTIONS SO ITS LIKE DOING CANNINBALISM BY EATING MEATS.. EVEN turkeys n chickens are smart n loving,,join the movement..
UGH! I JUST HATE WHEN PEOPLE CALL A BULL …A COW!!! Cows are female dairy cattle or female beef cattle! This animal is a Guernsey bull! When was under 6 months old, he was a bull CALF. Then he bull weanling. Then he was a bull yearling. Then when he is 2 years old, he will be a adult BULL! God help anyone who thinks a mature, ready to breed bull with fully intact genitalia is going to be a freaking pet.
To paraphrase Bruce from "Finding Nemo": "Cows are friends, not food."
Cute puppy ??
Ong. How adorable. What nice humans! Hoping they are not eating meat anymore, seeing such a beautiful creature with so much love.
Special Booties ????
Does he get upset when you cook hamburger?
I loved this video and I thought it was very cute. However I’m tired of the “insert animal here’ thinks he’s a dog!” All animals have personality, just because you discover a lamb/cow/deer/goat likes to run and play, doesn’t mean it thinks it’s a dog. People should not be surprised that an animal, especially farm animals, have personality. All animals have the capacity to love, show affection, run and enjoy life if we give them the chance and take the time to get to know them.
Ill name him Delicious