Actor Taraji P. Henson is an angel for animals and wants everyone to give them the love that they deserve. She sees her dog, Willie, as a part of her family and asks that dogs be kept indoors, where it is safe and comfortable. Check out her ad with Willie: http://peta.vg/qx
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I love taraji so much she is soo sweet and her dog Willie is so cute
my mom wont let me have a dog i want a dog i would call my dog cupcake or fluffy or ceacers but i cant i will have one when i grow up
It's not BS to care about animals 🙂
My god peta got Taraji under there bullshit spell
We love you tyraji:)
Dear PETA. You are a sick organisation, and deserve zero support from anyone. I love animals too. I hate it when people abuse their animals. But I am also sane, you however are not.
It's, wrong, their,*
She is gorgeous inside and out! ♥ My heart literally started aching while watching this. I can't believe there are so many people who blindly bash PeTA because it's what they're told to do. This is an organization that actually cares to the fullest extent about animals. :/
I remember when I was younger and my 2 dogs would greet me at the door everyday like they hadn't seen me in a year…even if they were in the middle of dinner. After 16 years with them, now they are gone and I miss them like crazy. My cat is purrrfect, but there is something special about a dog.
Taraji is so talented, this makes me love her even more…
Its rong to see people beat and abuse there dogs & I want a dog so badly
Plants feel love too.