Jackson helps you actually communicate with your cat by properly learning their body language. And trust us, your cat’s body language is very different than your dog’s!
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My cat but me the very first time I tried to touch his belly.. we had just met, he was a shelter boy. When I brought him home he attacked me for NO reason.. I think he was just scared bc he was new. Then, the other day, I yelled at him to get outta my way cuz I was going rather quickly carrying something heavy through the house, no contact or anything, just to move outta the way and he literally followed me and attacked my ankle from the back. Am I buggin or is this a thing? Is this his purrsonality?? He was also very sick when I brought him home. I had to nurse him back to health. He's good now but his aloofness is what drew me to him in the first place. First thing he did in the shelter was walk up to me, climb up my leg a little to head butt me.. and then proceeded to lay on his back and expose his underside. . That's when he bit me for touching it. I've heard of cattitude but I do NOT want to live afraid of a cat.. how can I calm him and assure him that he has nothing to fear but also, that I am the boss?? He is a huuuuge black cat.. his name? Toothless.. he IS a dragon cat lol
My cat pee's in the Toilet and shits in the litter box. She can shit too in the toilet but prefers not too, its too difficult to balance and release nuggets at the same time.
Wow, a real life "Conehead", no offense. Dude resembles a Hominid. . . like Lord Rothschild.
That sea lion cat is so hyuge!
My cat wags her tail when she sees something moving and is ready to play with it
The moment I saw this guy I thought, "He looks like the type to claim he knows all about the "energy" or "soul" of cats". Sure enough cat tails are static energy conductors
Cats are misunderstood. A good cat is subservient like a dog. A bad cat gets shot in the head or most often turned out to fend nature. Last bad cat I had was a mama that whipped the crap out of the kittens for food and she got turned out. The kittens are happily enjoying 3,000 sq ft of play land.
My cat doesn't mind his belly is rubbed.
You can actually teach your cat to let you love their tummies. It takes time and patience but it'll work so long as you have a good relationship with your cat and your cat likes physical affection. You do the sandwich technique. Good, bad, good. Love on them in their favorite way/spot for a few minutes, then if you have access to the tum-tum…pet it once or twice while still loving on the baby with the other hand, then immediately remove your hand from the tummy and go back to the loving that baby likes best. Do this several times a day, increase tummy-love time by .5 – 1 second once every few days. Slow and steady wins the race here.
My cat sleeps on his back with his paws in the air…
My cat is a month old and its hard not to see through a dogs eyes when i have a dog and cat lol
My cat falls asleep whenever I rub her belly.
My cat points with his tail to the food he wants
Excellent explanation thank you !! Cats have a completely different nervous system ! They are not digs not should they be interpreted as such They are loving and warm animals that gave their own genetic qualities !! I love them !!!
Mu cat chew boxes all the time. Is it normal?
this guy talks a little too much if you ask me
My kitty loves getting belly rubs tho
My cat says help me 1 month ago??
I have one cat who is literally the FRIENDLIEST cat in the world. We are all convinced she is an enlightened soul or possibly was a human in another life. She sleeps on her back out in the middle of floor all the time. I warn her before I head in… "I'm gonna get that belly"…. and she just loves it. lol
Yes i score 100 i answer the right answers before you said it now what about slow blinks when they slowly blink at you? My husband says that means they saying i love you..i had cat name pumpkin rip i miss him and his bro smokey well pumpkin was loving on me we just had our daughter he wasnt fixed where he couldnt spray he marked me i never had cat do that before i wasnt mad but smell was bad but i took as good thing and once something hurt him i cried thinking he die i didnt have money for vet smokey would lick his bro sore nxt thing i know it healed up my husband says they got healing thing in thier saliva…but pumpkin got lekuma so bad we had put him down when we was moving my bro took my husband get smokey land lord went in and let my cat out at night something got him so bad we had put him down i miss them..than we had cat name fritz and tigeress well one night fritz kept running back and forth my husband like ok show me buddy he flip back porch light on someone took off running they was tring break in into my son room..he got tuna that night he would always every hour to 2 hours go in his room or my daughter room making rounds we call it…
My cat wags his tail all the time; and I mean ALL THE TIME!!
In his sleep, during exposing his tummy, watching what's going on around him, when he's looking for or showing affection, when he's sick of the kids, eating, playing; you name it, he's wagging his tail through it all!
He doesn't do it when hunting though…
He's a very content guy and well loved; we've had him for nearly 2 months (he was found stray in my neighbourhood, I am guessing about 8wks old at the time) & he loves being with us.
He has become so comfy now that he sleeps on my bed every night all night long now & sometimes even on my body! He's allowed out but stays in our yard and I've jimmied the door so he can let himself back in.
my cat loves swimming
Thank you Jackson. I love cats and kittens. My philosophy with them is, "Less is more"! ???
Jojo Mojo.
My cat wags her tail 24/7 why I don't know xxxxxx?????
wht happens if a cat licked me?
My cats actually want their belly rubbed…even massaged. ?
The belly issue depends on the cat. My cat had complete trust in me. She never attacked. Nor did she bite. She only did "Play Agression" with me and only when I initiated the playtime.
my cat loves belly rubs he's like a dog
How many scratch you have?
Wow, 4 years ago
How do I find What my cats jackpot treat is without going broke? ? I realize of course all cats are different, but What are the highlights that generally work? I feel I’ve tried so many options but my cats are like «meh»!
My cats petty his litter box is sadly in my bathroom ??♀️ instead of peeing in the couch he drops my towels in the litter box ?
I have found a cat out of our Teris and she/he is in the things I'd called and Everytime I got close to her/him she/he hiss at me ;-;
Like I just wanna touch her/him 🙁
I love this show watched every day when it first came out im suprised how many people dont know much about cat behavior but one thing is their all diffrent and i wouldnt hesistate to get your say about them i wonder he can tell me mine take care and thanks for knowledge about this beautiful criters.Lit
My cat loves being belly rubbed