CUTE! Puppy Guide Dog Training | Earth Unplugged

CUTE! Puppy Guide Dog Training | Earth Unplugged
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These cute puppies are on a journey to becoming guide dogs!

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  1. One question: what happens with the pups who don't have a good result in the first test mode? Are the aloud to live and become a familydog or are they going to die?

  2. what's with the lab coats?

    I feel that it is unnecessary and leaves me thinking of freaky psychopaths testing cleaning products on animals.

    I am aware that you are kind-hearted people, so likely have no intention of looking like psychopathic animal testers, so perhaps wearing standard clothes or something that looks less like you're about to artificially inseminate a cow or take an organ out of a cadaver, may be an option.

    Jeans and green kaki shirts perhaps…more like Zoo managers or forestry workers?

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