These cute puppies are on a journey to becoming guide dogs!
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Who is she ? OMG
Ohhhhh they are verrrry cute
I CaN't HaNdlE the CUTENESSSsss…….ahhh
anyone in 2019
for the next video…less of you and the doctor and more of the puppies.
The lady looks nice
Cuteness overloaded..
One question: what happens with the pups who don't have a good result in the first test mode? Are the aloud to live and become a familydog or are they going to die?
Question, where do the puppies go if they don't qualify? 🙁
i like you
Ur voice is great
pupper reception
Omg. Wonderful.
I want more videos on dogs please
"Hi babies!"
how cute that puppy is,
what's with the lab coats?
I feel that it is unnecessary and leaves me thinking of freaky psychopaths testing cleaning products on animals.
I am aware that you are kind-hearted people, so likely have no intention of looking like psychopathic animal testers, so perhaps wearing standard clothes or something that looks less like you're about to artificially inseminate a cow or take an organ out of a cadaver, may be an option.
Jeans and green kaki shirts perhaps…more like Zoo managers or forestry workers?
actually the girl are more beautiful then puppy
Thank you Mr. Cameraman for all those close up slow motion shots of PUPPIES
1080P is mandatory. Wait til it loads, it's worth it!
which breed is that?
Out of curiosity, why are all guide dogs gooden retrievers?
But what happens to the puppies that fail?
I want his job ?
Easily the best video I watched on YouTube. Made my day ??
What happens to the dogs that don't qualify?
Atheists say heaven is not real, then I show them this place
She looks a bit like Kate Mckinnon
How can people even dislike this video though
What devil can dislike this video??! ??♀️, this puppies are great! Dogs are awesome! Thank you ?
puppy reception = heaven gate
I'm miss my puppy
Those pretty eyes..
Seriously thinking of dong this. So rewarding on many levels.
My auntie's dog failed her tests because she kept on trying to chase things lol
oh my gosh cute baby dogs <3
This video just made my day so much brighter. Thank you you adorable puppies, and Maddy has such amazing smiles!
Damn man heaven looks noise