Friday means fails ☠️ If you want to submit a fail simply upload your video under crashes here: https://pinkbike.click/fridayfails
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Videos have been taken from our website, https://www.pinkbike.com/video/ and we have full rights to use these videos as per our terms of use that can be seen below. We put a lot of fails together, so please notify us in the comments of your clip and we will shout you out in an edited pinned comment!:
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0:15 and that's why you need a full face helmet
2:02 TIMBERRRRRRRR!! ??????
This Friday fails was brutal.
Ooooooh some painful ones there !!
Does anyone else LOVE the friday fails intro? I think it's so funny. How the birds are chirping and it's so peaceful and he hits the takeoff lookin like the jump is gonna go perfectly fine, then BAM explosion. I love it. Giggle every time.
I actually tried to jump out the way of the tree when watching the last one! ?
Everyone sent it on this episode haha
Bro are you good?!
90% of these people think about advice too literally, like they hear to lean back off a drop, so all they do is lean back like a robot. I think becoming more natural and less robotic on the bike seems important
Love the full send on the Superman ?
@604freerider ?
2:35 he could have had a chance to make it but he chose a 100% chance of crashing by letting go of the handlebars just before the landing… lol
Some of these are terrible man
2:05 this man took out a tree??
Love Fridays ?♂️?
remember: The bike will go where you are looking. Stare down that tree=kiss that tree.
salute to all those sending it big… and to those clearing dead trees
0:15 and here you see why you should wear a fullface
да не поломается человек управляющий велом , да не исчезнет смазка с цепи , и не охуярит грязью с преднего колеса, пусть песок никогда не накидывает на переклюки, ды на звёзды и цепь! аминь
I'm pretty sure the guy at 2.50 is in these videos every week. What a hero
Most of this crashes are because people dont know how to drop or jump properly
Also, seems most riders dont have a chest or neck brace protection and this is so dumb if you are going to do these jumps
Cutest trail dog ever
One of the best Weeks, for shure
1:09 damn that feature is nasty. 3 headsmashes in a row, 2 straight onto a rock ?
?Brutal this week PB!
Dang they got clapped??
That series is a great reminder for all that thinks that wearing a helmet is not that important. Some serious bangs in this one ☝️