I’m surprised my mom let me show this much cleave.
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My Only One
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I'm going to my first prom next year, or I'm going to skip it lmao
They crack me up ?, love them.
Even though what Jen said about them being as old as f*ck they do look beautiful for what their real ages might be.
Chantel should wear her prom dress if she gets married it’s beautiful
I didn’t think that saf’s dress is not going to be black
My mom was in college when Kristin went to prom
Last time I wore this i was ‘strait’
Goes to prom with a girl
Freddie went to prom the year I was born :3
"I think I ground"
I was born in 2009 March 27 just letting u know
JEN HAD LONG HAIR BACK THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:54 lol ?
Chantel's dress looks like a wedding dress
Why does it look Chantel is going to get married in her prom picture
Freddie looks GREAT her dress is my FAVVVV
Kristen doesn't look that bad
I wouldn't believe that Jen would wear that now, bc it looks too girls like she says, ''when I was straight''
I AM SHOCKED that Saf wore a blue and white dress instead of a black one
Candace doesn't look too bad herself
FREDDIEEEEEE ''exclamation mark'' ''exclamation mark'' ''exclamation mark''
I'm using a desk top so i can't put those stuff but I can write it
I am the only one that is really not that bothered about prom?
Dear YouTube,
If I hear the words virginity one ore time I will stab you in your demonetization.
Your future killer
jen looks like a flinstone and i low key love it
Freddie went to prom the year I was born
Freddie looks like tiana
I like these dresses actually more than most of the prom dresses I see now a days. Welp I know what to look for if I ever go to prom or a banquet (in private school terms. The only difference is you don't dress up in showy attire, you don't look forward to it all your life, it happens more times than prom, and you probably aren't there with a boyfriend/girlfriend. Also, there ain't no LGBT acceptance.)
(This human hasn't gone to her first banquet yet, but she knows the kind of people there and kinda wants to skip the first one.)
I don’t understand Jens dress
Why in my country we don't have such a cool prom stuff?
We barely have prom…
I'm happy for those that went to prom, sadly I never got to experience it.. but I'm glad it saved my family money lol
1:56 I’m askdndjsksns supriesed that skskxbxksnsb
"I feel like one bad movement away from boob exposure"
Me trying on any of my dresses?
Hey I just started a channel with tutorials like splits! Check it out and maybe subscribe!
Freddie went to prom in my birth year
Oh my god that old photo of Jen made me hella uncomfortable
We here in the Apple Isle didn't/don't have Prom instead we have Leavers Dinner, for my Leavers Dinner we had to do a compulsorily dance "the Macarena', I also remember what I had it was Beef Stroganoff and the sour cream they made it with was off and so I and others that had it couldn't finish it; and ever since then I haven't been able to stomach Beef Stroganoff I actually spoke with a number of my former classmates since then and like me the one's that ate the Beef Stroganoff haven't been able to it either.
Omg I mis saf on ladylike
Chantel: Dying
Behind Camera: Are you ok?
Chantel: Dying Y-yeah Dying
man when i went to prom i wore my moms wedding dress