Intense lion fight at Rabat Zoo
Near to the Prince Moulay Rachid sport complex in Rabat, the new zoological garden is one of the most fabulous natural spaces to discover if you visit the administrative capital of the Moroccan kingdom.
The Zoo Rabat was designed with the aim of enhancing the 5 ecosystems recognized in Morocco and even in Africa: savannah, desert, swamps, tropical forest and of course the Atlas Mountains.
With all this biological and natural diversity, the Zoo of Rabat had an immense challenge to preserve the characteristics of each fauna and flora while valuing the Moroccan spirit in all the design part of this space.
Because interacting with nature and animal species is one of the primary objectives of this zoo, designers have been able to find a perfect harmony between the welfare of the animals for the continuity of its reproduction and the envy of the visitors to live moments like adventurers and explorers.
As mentioned above, there is a whole ecosystem of the Atlas in Morocco which we could not omit in our visit to be finally amazed by the natural wealth that our country has.
Finally, I could not resist making a documentary video of the Atlas Moroccan lions battle and share it with you to entice you discovering this good plan.
At the Rabat Zoo you can bring your food for your family outing in the spaces dedicated to this purpose as you can reserve your place in one of the 4 restaurants available for varied menus at competitive prices.
The official website for any information: www.rabatzoo.ma
They should all wait until he falls asleep then fuck him up. Pvt. Pyle style..?
Mans sport is the opposite to animal lovers but it shows the public how not to treat animals , too many males here in one small space in the wild hhis wouldn’t happen unless it’s a take over , these poor animals must feel like prisoners fighting each other all day long
What is this place , it’s so small for all this lions
Why the male lion fighting the female lions?
الأسد حق مشاكل هههههه
Zoo de rabat au Maroc
هذا الفيديو صور في المغرب الجميل بالضبط حديقة الحيوانات بالرباط
اخذ المكان
In the end lady trying to safe her kids from a mental case.
Am I right that all the lions here are pure breed barbary lions?As in Morocco they must be!
well u know who's the boss of this pride dude is attacking everyone…2:54 u can see the other brother just back down
That male lion in an incel (Involuntary Celibacy) He’s not getting laid so he’s lashing out on everybody
Sad. Too many Lions jockeying for position of authority in such a small enclosure. Too much pride in the Pride.
Fighting is a part of lions daily routine.. Haha
Prison cell for lions. Absolutely no logical reason to torture animals like this. Men in prison fuck each other up the arse and still claim to be heterosexual – fuck knows the deviant behaviour of captive lions.
Someone woke up in a bad mood ?
They need to remove that aggressive lion period
Lions cant fight to be honest
أظن أن الأسد غيران على لبوته ويطرد الأشبال
Deli pezevenk ona buna saldırıyo.
Zoo's suck
He is an ass hole lion.
Life is the wild is not so great for lions either.
Westerners playing with nature. Stick to your native wolves and sheep. They should be back on the African Savannah!.. It's obvious that this male is dominant and is displaying acts of patrolling territory. Totally natural in an unnatural state..
…small enclosure make them aggresiv…..
Naughty boy! I could tell by how he was strutting around that he was asserting his dominance, and was going to give a snarl and whack to his brother. Then the lionesses had to get involved. This happens in the wild, too. I saw the Nkuhumas and Birminghams totally scrap one time. An hour later they were all lovey dovey again! Crazy lions!??????
Oh el weon caliente! Todo por que nadie le da sexo se enoja y quiere pegarle a todo el mundo (en especial a los otros machos) XD
Re peliador el leon
Too much pent up energy. Boredom at its best
Shame on your South Africa and Kenya for selling lions to Chinese and Koreans
These people don’t deserve to get near these magnificent animals period
один ебанутый с волосатыми подмышками всю стаю терроризирует.
More like Playing Around than Fighting
They shd all gang up and kill that fucker. Then eat him for lunch!
that lion is an asshole! lol having said that most of his behaviour is due to the anxiety he feels in that enclosure
That lions just wanted to fuck everyone up
These animals are power mongers!!
Make a day of it and bring the whole family out for "perfect harmony".
There are too many lions in that place. It looks like there is enough room for one male and two to three females. Some of those lions need to be relocated.
Esos leones estan enfermos les estsrsn dando una dieta inadecuada porque se nota que tienen tumores en los brazos y por sentirse mal andan de pesimo humor
True alpha
Bien d vivo andaba ese león quería pelear a toda costa jajaja
Healthy big lions. Look at the size of all them,you can tell those lions still growing can grow bigger than than that. Tiger no chance
Punk ass bully who needs his ass kicked.
Tá parecendo o pai quando chegava bêbado em casa
Thats the exact type of shit show I'd expect to see out of a shithole like morocco.
Here in India we have the same size enclousers but for only 1 lion . How the fuck can some one keep all of them together in such a small enclouser.