Professional BASE jumper, Jeb Corliss, suffered a life threatening crash while proximity flying during a routine BASE jump. This is the story of his long road to recovery, his first jump back and the valuable life lesson learned along the way.
Shot on the HERO4® and HERO3 camera from http://GoPro.com.
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Kraddy “Operation Prometheus”
Matt Emery “In Your Arms”
Additional music courtesy of www.extrememusic.com and www.naxos.com
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what an idiot
2:58 what is the dot on the screen when they froze the frame when he crashed? At first i thought it was a drone like they were gonna say he crashed into a drone and at 3:03 looks like he hits something. I kept going back in the video but it is just a blurry dot above the rocks. what is that?
He actually gave Icarus two warnings… don't fly too low either.
I have no problem with people doing stupid things. I have a probable with them encouraging other people to do the same with the subtle suggestion that you aren't living life if you don't. I see GoPro – be a Hero. Perhaps they should also add – or be a paraplegic.
I have only witnessed an egg smashed on a frying pan
His biggest mistake was hitting the rock.
I Have No Words To Describe This, Keep Being A Hero.?
4:17 That moment when the shock wares off and all the pain hits you at once, pure hell!!!
I’m sorry he’s an idiot.
Man, I hope they gave you some strong shit.
Little Brain made him to light. End of story.
It would of been great if a shark ate you at the end
Hyperbaric chamber? Must be nice.
What an idiot. Being self sufficient is the mark of all real adventurers. This wanker has a helicopter a team, sponsors etc.
Dude. The sound of your breathing when you knocked yourself out scared me. So heavy and long and totally out. I thought you had a major head trauma. So glad you’re ok and able to continue to do what you love and are so great at! ♥️♥️♥️
Balls of steel.. !!
Churfirsten mountains Im proud to live there
When you feel that one mistake for six months. Can't imagine the pain or the YEARS of amazing flights. I envy you even after seeing that accident sir.lol
If you f. with the bull, you get the horn
GoPro in the ultra sound advertising
Just needed that one extra inch to clear it
guy got what he deserved
In my own personal view, anyone who does this wingsuit stuff and has any family, friends or loved ones is the most selfish person I can think of. When they inevitably die from this stastistically insanelz dangerous "hobby" they will leave only a trail of grief in their wake… all because they wanted to do some pointless adrenaline-inducing stunts. Not to mention the family and friends then will be compelled to watch the video evidence of their loved one dying one of the most pointless and avoidable deaths imaginable. Sad.
No fear, no mercy… sorry Dude, but what did u learn? Good Brain for the next time.
horribly produced video. hated it.
Paweł Jumper [ lvl 100 ]
Rich guy with enough money and no much appreciation for life!!
Gopro make's the earth look round.ok wait for all the come backs.
Who really cares the guy's an idiot he has to be a totally idiot and all he's doing is taking up World Resources so we can figure around till he gets himself killed what a selfish piece of crap
people do stupid things, and then when things go terribly wrong and they injure themselves they want to be regarded as a hero. but in reality they are just idiots .
i can relate with the injury part, not so much with the badass part
So slow start boring
Roller coasters people… just settle with roller coasters… this guys an idiot.