?Amazon Street Food in Brazil: https://youtu.be/8yfkENiAXFM
?Banana Chips available now!! https://m.me/BananaJoe?ref=MarkWiens
?T-shirts: https://migrationology.com/store/
Thanks to Guilherme (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKjl-xepqcSTkJGR9pq_vQ) for taking us around Brazil.
SALVADOR, BAHIA – Before ever going to Brazil, Salvador was one of the top cities I wanted to visit – and finally this is the time. In this all out ultimate street food tour of Salvador we’ll focus especially on Afro-Brazilian food and culture, the heart of Salvador, Bahia. The people were amazing, the food was delicious. #Salvador #BrazilianFood #Acarajé #streetfood
Sao Joaquim Market – To begin this street food tour we started in the morning at Sao Joaquim Market, one of the main fruits and vegetables market, with restaurant and food as well. One thing you’ll see all over the market, different from other parts of Brazil is dendê oil, the orange palm oil originally from West Africa.
Recanto Da Lucia – At the market we ate breakfast at Recanto Da Lucia, a small local Brazilian food stall serving amazing dishes like feijoada and pirão. Total price – 80 BRL ($20.61)
Dona Susana – Next up on this Afro-Brazilian food tour of Salvador, we drover to Dona Susana, a restaurant under the highway, with a million dollar view. The main dish to eat in Bahia is Moqueca Bahiana, a stew of fish or seafood in palm oil and coconut milk. Her’s was outstanding as was the ensopado de camarão and her version of pirão. One of the most stunning locations so far in Brazil. Total price – 87 BRL ($22.41)
Pelourinho – This is the center of the historic city of Salvador, with a distinct Portuguese style and influence. If you look around, you might think you’re in Portugal.
Capoeira – Pelourinho is a center of art and culture and I had a chance to learn about Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art, but a dance at the same time. It’s amazing to watch and they even volunteered me to stand as they came dangerously close to kicking me!
Elevador Lacerda – In Pelourinho you’ll also find the Elevador Lacerda, which takes you from lover Salvador to the upper part of Salvador.
Price – .15 BRL ($0.03) per person
Mercado Modelo – One of the main central old city markets in Salvador, Bahia is Mercado Modelo, and while most of the market is pretty touristy, Jacibar on the outside serves up delicious local dishes. We ordered Xinxin de Galinha, Bobó de camarão, and Caruru. It was an incredible meal. Total price – 180 BRL ($46.37)
Tambores e Cores – Samba beats represent Salvador, Bahia, and the thundering drums are a must see when you’re in Bahia, Brazil.
Boteco Di Janela – In the evening we went to Boteco Di Janela, a bar and restaurant, friendly owners, and delicious seafood. We ate sarapatel – a blood stew, and sururu – small local mussels.
Acarajé da Ivone – If there’s one Brazilian street food snack you have to eat in Salvadar, it’s Acarajé, a life-changing bun of blackeyed peas deep fried in palm oil and stuffed with vatapa, caruru, shrimp, and salad. It’s is unbelievable and the owners at Acarajé da Ivone were equally as friendly and hospitable. I also had an Abara, the same thing except the black eyed pea fritter is steamed instead of fried. Price – 8 BRL ($2.06) per
Salvador, Bahia, in Brazil, exceeded my expectations – the food and people were outstanding and made it a city and destination I will never forget. What a stunning combination of natural beauty, food, and hospitality.
Thanks to Guilherme and Rafa from Rio4Fun and Rio4Food. Check out their videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKjl-xepqcSTkJGR9pq_vQ
• Rio4Fun: https://www.instagram.com/rio4fun/
• Guilherme: https://www.instagram.com/gagui22/
• Rafa: https://www.instagram.com/ribs.rafa/
?MUSIC: https://goo.gl/HwVjdo
?CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video (these are affiliate links):
• Main camera: https://amzn.to/2vY66aL
• Main lens: https://amzn.to/2Qa08Ne
• Microphone: https://amzn.to/2YoG6kO
• Microphone fur: https://amzn.to/2LLDKuQ
• Mini tripod: https://amzn.to/2YsJeMz
• Drone: https://amzn.to/2Yvhib2
• Instagram: https://instagram.com/migrationology
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
?Watch all my Brazilian food videos:
?Get Banana Chips now in US: https://m.me/BananaJoe?ref=MarkWiens (more countries and more flavors coming soon)
Thank you for watching this entire Brazil food and travel series! If you haven’t watched all the videos yet, here’s the full playlist: https://youtu.be/TlWDF3BfUdo
Before visiting Brazil, what I knew was Football, Amazon Rainforest, and Brazilian BBQ.
This trip was a massive eye-opener and learning experience.
From feijoada in the favelas of Rio, to pequi in Goiás, to feijão tropeiro in Belo Horizonte, to açaí, tacacá, and jambu in Belém, to moqueca and acarajé in Salvador.
Honestly, not everything was easy and smooth in Brazil: traveling, filming while walking around with camera gear, and keeping safe. But for all the risk, the people we met along the way were some of the most warm, hospitable, and diverse, of anywhere.
A massive thank you to Guilherme and Rafa from Rio4Fun – this trip wouldn’t have been possible without them: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKjl-xepqcSTkJGR9pq_vQ
And thank you again for watching and for your incredible support!
How is he always very happy??
opa vim pelo pato 9?
Love your videos,an awesome that you can bring us there,but out of concern and among my friends,we we're concerned that if you're sic? For you appear skeleton looking, which all that you eat it's not normal,my friend says you show signs of a tape work.but with love and concern for you and not in a cruel gesture.love you're videos
14:39 are those Teeth??
Gostei muito.desse vídeo pq foi aqui na minha terra querida ,minha Bahia, massa velho sou se feira de santana fica aproximadamente a 100km da capital
"ou uau ( orgasm)"
Wiens ,Mark.
Love your food venture..but do you really have to close your eyes..everytime you take a bite?
U JUST MADE ME HUNGRY BY SAY MMMMM… now going to eat something mmmm…
You were hungry at the beginning of this one. Awesome.
This inscribe channel i love♡ amazing channel
You should come to São Paulo as well, there's great pizza and sushi.
i think i found my future ex-wife (daughter) LOL
Mark how do you manage to eat so much food? Please tell me. I see you eat so many dishes in one day. I wish I could do that, and you manage to not gain any weight. You are a lucky guy. I love that you guys love spicy food, you walk with your own pepper ?lol . Got to love that.
Keep showing the love.
Omg the food looks so amazing, I wish we could just reach into the screen and eat along with you Mark. Mmmmmm?
Keep showing the love.
I love how outside tables and chairs literally look the same all over the world. ?
?? aí gosta de um mocotó … Adorei vê eles no Brasil.
o maluco botou o pé dele na cara do mark e o mark todo sorridente lá skfndmsjsk tadinho
Honestly that cheese and guava made me think of how cool would it be to have you visit Puerto Rico. We usually have that at parties as appetizers
22:06 one of the best part
Come on FROM Recife, Mark! ????
Esse gringo é raiz. Comeu até mocotó.
Great food Mark Love all your videos
11:55 in Brazil we dont speak Spanish haha
அனுபவிராஜா ???
Hi brother
I am Indian Tamil nadu
Esse canal de degustação e simplesmente o melhor, descobri por acaso e não consigo parar de assistir, esse gringo e gente da gente. TOP
32:32 – Bahiano falando que não tem pressa 😀
Parabéns Mark, vídeo muito bom, e parabéns pelo estômago de aço também.
It's been a month since i last view your blogs, and I'm just happy to be amazed with your new uploaded videos.. thank you mark! Keep up the good work and gos bless your amazing family ❤️❤️❤️ much love from cebu, philippines
Omg… I love acarage!…I miss Salvador so much… My city..❤
batendo um pratão ao som de Pablo!!!!! Bahia minha raiz
Amo minha capital❤️
adoro ver suas expressões quando come as comidas seja de qualquer país que visita, você se entrega a comida de verdade..wow
So imagina o estrago no banheiro depois de comer isso tudo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Thank you so much Mark, Ying, Micah, and Joel for sharing all your amazing travels! I watch your videos every day at work in between phone calls. It's so wonderful being able to travel the world with you while sitting at my desk. You make each day so much better!
Orgulho de minha Bahia, ?
Vai vim em minas gerais também.?????