League of Legends Top 5 Fails Week 5

League of Legends Top 5 Fails Week 5
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5- RicsiBaguette on Lucian
4- IamGrootsMom on Thresh
3- MarsheeMellow on Mordekaiser
2- Geh mal scheißen on Lee Sin
1- krzywyxxx on Ryze (submitted by RybiRyj)
Bonus- iNSaneDiablesNR1 on Corki

►Music in this League of Legends video by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)

▼Published by: Protatomonster
▼Edited by Cellybeary: https://www.youtube.com/user/halfhalfie

►League of Legends Top 5 Fails Week 5 | Hilarious LoL WTF & Funny Moments


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About the Author: Protatomonster


  1. Hope you guys enjoy the fails! New Top 5 Plays coming up tomorrow 😀 Which fail was your favorite? I know I'd be at maximum tilt if I was that Jinx in the #1 fail >.>

  2. I dont really understand you people these Are fails Not people to trash talk
    and that lee sin is maybe new to lee sin or something no reason to trash talk them

  3. Comment for the bonus clip: You can't R-Flash with Corki, but with many heroes you can. It's an easy mistake if you're not a corki main to try the same thing as him.

  4. Whe can see in the minute 2:36 a classic Lee syndrome in which the player at the moment of landing his Q on the enemy, feels an overwhelming need to press again Q, even do he knows this will lead to his imminet death

  5. Honestly even if that Ryze didn't ult, they still wouldn't have been able to finish the game. At most they would have gotten about half the nexus hp.

  6. Y'know as I was watching this, I really thought that fail #4 with the 4-man dive fail should have been higher up, perhaps even first.

    Then I actually saw the #1 fail.

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