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Video Credits:
00:13 Clint Starr – Silver Lakes Sand Dunes – Test Hill Bike VS SUV Crash – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbZdLcK0pyk
00:24 David Visagie – Lukes Crash – Husqvarna Enduro Hill Climb Fail – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tijPlzuL3jc
00:33 Dirtbike Hooligan – KXf250 – Over The Bars Crash – Funny Fail – https://youtu.be/mYzF2tiw-WE
00:38 Johnny Wilder – KX250f – Bad Motocross Crash on Kawasaki Dirtbike – https://youtu.be/8fH4pB8G9qI
00:55 TeamFinlandDrivers – Dirt Bike Wheelie Fail on Road – https://youtu.be/wCxTe5ZSnws
01:11 Alick Reavell – CRF 450 F Wheelie Crash – https://youtu.be/xYIL6tFK78s
01:19 Tora Riders – Major Dirtbike Crash – Kid Slams Hard – https://youtu.be/CdACTNdM6Dk
01:42 AuVogels – Kid Gets Death Wobbles on KTM and Crashes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Oy_ez15hV0
02:05 Callie Shelton – Motocross Crash – https://youtu.be/4vLpjHBlEGk
02:20 Cam Roberge – Hydroplane Fail Front Flip into A Puddle – https://youtu.be/Sz9YI85XfQY
02:26 Colton Steiger – Millville – Broke Both Ankles on Motocross Crash – https://youtu.be/HwfYaeaVUYk
04:29 Enduro Trip – Crash Motocross – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vRn_MD_efE
04:37 GranPrixKings – 2016 Dubya World VET Championships – MX Crash – https://youtu.be/x0E4ob0IthM
04:57 CrewMoto – Dirtbike Crash 28 Stitches Broken Ankle – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4l28o-t2a0&t
06:36 Hunter Hodgins – Wheelie Time – Wheelie Fail Crash – https://youtu.be/qWJ7T954ZKU
06:41 Jack Feltham – Motocross Crash – Running Over Another Riders Bike – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz50Qgx1gFI
06:52 Jack Mazou – Dirt Bike Fail at the Beach – https://youtu.be/gjSUPzuYH2Y
07:14 JoekerDude – Dusty Crash – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90wgbcYWB1U
07:29 Kane Colley – Crash – Uncle Eddies – https://youtu.be/U_7ZOwVOThk
07:50 Kristaps Riekstins – Motocross Crash – https://youtu.be/byHBsqg88H0
08:00 Moreno TKK – Motocross Epic Crash – https://youtu.be/JGOgrxMHL-g
08:08 Moto Squad – Enduro Crash Hill Climb Fail – https://youtu.be/Pw3f6mRandg
08:38 One Wheel Khaos – Whiskey Throttle At Its Best at Hidden Falls Adventure Park Dirt Bike Trail – https://youtu.be/AL2nih7q-vw
09:03 Moto Lyfestyle – Devin Crashes at Bailey Ridge – https://youtu.be/B1meuEdLXNs
09:23 MotoFanatic37 – Dirtbike Crash – https://youtu.be/lcuuLagEKHM
09:37 MotoFish – Dirtbike Crash -Lazy Springs – https://youtu.be/x7wvn82TdrM
09:51 My Dirt Life – Motocross KTM Crash – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx9JuIwR51c
Intro Song: Spartacus – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ctsgpiDCp4
Outro Song: [Breaks] – Excision & Pegboard Nerds – Bring The Madness (Noisestorm Remix) [Monstercat] – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOMFGuM5xww
Moto Madness 2016
Dirt Bike & ATV/QUAD Bike Crashes, Wrecks, & FAILS 2016 – https://youtu.be/BJBVGKaUTr4
If Only I was recording I would have a little bit of a shot for motomadnes DANG IT
0:98 you don goofed
Bruh I couldn’t stop Laughing at the kid who broke his ankles
Watching Moto Madness videos makes my days!
Even though this vid is hella old. Thats a sick nasty slide at 8:29
1:45 the speed wobbles though
1:55 “fuck yea” ???
I was riding quad bikes with my mate on his farm and he was in front of me and spun out of control going into a hole in the ground and his handle bars stabbed I’m just under his chin knocking him out and leaving him with a really big hole under his chin/neck area. That was one of the scariest days of my life!
The guy who broke his ankles made me feel sick the screaming though I felt so bad
Knock down
3:08 I feel so bad
my eyes started watering hearing that guy break both ankles….. ?
8: 38 polska (przeklenstwa z polski tez powinien zacenzurowac
Лежу я сейчас в больнице, в отделении медицинской реабилитации. После аварии на мотоцикле. С интересом посмотрел этот ролик.
8:30 when you slide into the dms
That guy that went Bush camping the wrong way
1:17 his reaction tho ??
That was mama said don't do wheelies
I broke both my arms in a 4-wheeler wreck when I was 12. It sucked ass, as it was the middle of my summer break, as well as a week away from getting to go to the beach with my cousin and her family. It sucked even MORE that I got my period shortly after it happened, and then my mom (who had been bathing me and such) had to go to a teachers' conference for a week, leaving my dad to bathe and clean me.
8:30 this guy just slides in like a badass
For people saying the guy that broke both ankles is a bitch for crying you have to understand people have different pain tolerance
8:11 neck ? broken
Whats the child's name? (Lol)
i remember having a halo fixator apparatus on my leg, almost had to cut it off, it was hanging by a thread
Goddamn it kyle
Did the guy that broke both ankles just lad wrong? What happened?
Don't you love how they can't wait to pick up their bike? Darwin awards should be passed out with every dirt bike……..it rarely ends well.
2:30 this is so sad 🙁
Are you ok guys
People trying to be Travis Pastrana ?
2:29 omg nobody cares at first
Lol when I was 7years old I broke my arm and dint cry this hard 3:16
Omg when you go faster than your own dirt bike
ur not good?/?
3.00…shut up ya girl and man up…fucking embarrasing
6:48 nice recovery
Only time I ever crash on my dirtbike is when im going to slow around some rocks and just fall over
1:02 the way he just stood up! What a legend!
That lady said breath 3333455333456434663368o7445664367 times
Damn all these Kyles wildin
8:26 i know that not funny but he said o kulva my died
Rose's are red
Violets are blue
The part that you're looking for
Is 2:32
I fell out of a crv 250cc and broke my foot (this bike is too big for lil 13 yo me)
cry like a little bitch ? also i broke my hands there is nothing feel hurt ? ? nice nice