This dog was rescued from a puppy mill and didn’t even know how to lie down. Now, he’s finally getting adopted so he can live the life a dog deserves.
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Dios y el universo bendiga a todas estas personas que hacen estas cosas tan grandiosas …..dándoles lo mejor en su vida personal .. bendiciones para uds.
This is so amazing. Everyone who helps save animals are so amazing. I have three cats, one of them I rescued from a horrible situation.
Whats the title of the song at the end
I want to torture that breeders
Jordan found heaven???????????????????????
Never knew how to lay down?????????why Lord…why…?
YAY!! I am SO happy for little Jordan!! God bless all who help these beautiful Dogs !! ❤
Senility omg lmfao
Jordan is so precious. I think he got the perfect family! I’m so glad he has amazing new owners.
Happy Tears when I saw him running like a pup.
Puppy mill ls need to be outlawed
"I can be your new Mama- you can sleep in my bed"- she had him at "hello" hahaha
These couple are so cute oml thank god they are taking care of Jordan
Rescue don't buy
I would never be able to put him in a cage even momentarily because I wouldn't want him thinking that hes going back to that life of hell……
I remeber when this puppy mill was busted. I live in Georgia
Oh Jordan is totally overjoyed with his new family and home – just wonderful to see. Thank you so much to everyone involved.
This couple is so cute=)
LICENSED BREEDER. keep that in mind next time you or someone you know wants a "purebred" SHOW THEM THIS VIDEO, DON't TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! tel them to adopt instead!!
My heart is being ripped to shreds. I want them to release these dogs, I am not asking this is an order.
The Dodo is the best channel on you Tube, I actually think it was the first channel I subscribed to, it never fails to make my laugh out loud or CRY out loud! (Usually with happiness!) Xx
We are really mean. OH MY GOD who would just get dogs to kill.
Only buy dogs if the breeder allows you to the dogs parents and lets them get tested. We bought a very good German Shepherd from a very goo breeder, but not all breeders are like this, so adopting is a much safer option.
GOD, bless all of you, who rescue these poor little souls, and give them the quality of life, they have never known, but so deserve, there's a special place in HEAVEN for you.???
Beautiful ❤️ story! Jordan going to be so spoiled and rightly so.??..I wish I knew about the belly bands when we first had our dog.
True hero's!!
Jordon I am so happy for you as now you have a wonderful home and most of all you have a family that loves you more each day that pass . From me to your wonderful family thank you so much to the bottom of my heart and straight to the top of my heart xxxx
You beautiful lady and gentlemen giving a home to this gorgeous dog
I wanna be president. When I do I will ban all puppy mills and it will be illegal.
My heart hurts when she said "He no longer has to stand up to sleep" ?
You are a saint. Jordan is in heaven
I hope that the puppy mill owner ended up in his own jail cell.
This made my heart hurt to see what that poor, sweet pup went through, then my heart melted to see him find his new Mom & Dad! Bless the people who dedicate their time, homes, resources & much more, to saving & giving love to innocent creatures. I think Jordan couldn't have gotten adopted by a better family ❤️❤️❤️
I wish I had a dog?
What happend to the breeder??
This must stop!!!
Always money, money, money… and animals have to pay for this!!!!
Please help them!!!
Thank you xxx
ADOPT DONT FUCKING SHOP. Thank you for your 5 second time.
Lucky dog to end up with this darling couple, just what he deserves!
Puppy mill owners should get put down
What is the name of that breeder and puppy mill. They need to be exposed. Those poor dogs don’t even know how to sleep.
Such wonderful people in the world. Gives me hope. Thank you!
What a sweet baby
I straight up broke down crying when Jordan took his first step onto the grass… so heart wrenchingly beautiful! This is proof that we can all heal from traumatic experiences, thank you Jordan! ♡
How can u be so cruel to do this? Go in to this barn and see these eys of these dogs…. ?????
He couldn't have gone to a better couple, that sweet boy is going to be smothered with love till the day he dies.
Love this amazing Rescue,along with my addictiveness to The Dodo..You never cease to make a Grey Sky Blue. I myself am presently in search of a New Dog Member to my Home, and it will never be from the Ad's I see online. I am at my local Rescue Center Regularly for the perfect fit for both the Dog and myself. I have now become a Pro as to being able to detect a Puppy Mill Animal…. They all need to be Shut Down. Thanks for all you do, Bless you all,, have a Happy, and Safe Summer, here in 2019.
What is that song at the end? Anyone know? Sounds like Paolo Nutini.
Every dog deserves a safe place to be loved. Just like every human. And every other living thing. So happy for Jordan
Thank God for these lovely people. ?????
Who does a puppy or another animal mill should be in jail, permanently. Banned this practice. Just look how disgusting, and awful these creatures were in the cages. There's no heart, no love, or even conditions for the dogs. So moral of the story people, adopt, don't shop.