I remember laughing the first time when I saw that bunny get shot… It was just so unexpected… I'm sorry…
She’s such a baby lol I’m a kid and idc about the rabbit dieing
I felt her pain.
At 5:25 it looked like ellie was looking at the twitch streamer
people like her need tyo fucking die. snowflake bitch wont last 5 minutes in the real world. good thing she lives in a time where she gets paid by 12 year olds for playing a game and crying over LITERALLY FAKE ANIMALS
Me: I can't wait for the last of us 2 Girl: Fuck you
See very sad scene starts crying sees something that cheers her up the. It gets shot in the head
Why did the girl look like she was looking at her
She probably spent like 2 weeks on this game, i spent 2 days on it, kinda sad i finished it so fast
Fortnite Twitch Streamer gets $75,000 donation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUYlemTrKko
Bitch what the fuck
Girl did you know your life is a MEME
i honestly thought the minecraft video of the pig dying was the original meme oh my lord
I remember laughing the first time when I saw that bunny get shot… It was just so unexpected… I'm sorry…
She’s such a baby lol I’m a kid and idc about the rabbit dieing
I felt her pain.
At 5:25 it looked like ellie was looking at the twitch streamer
people like her need tyo fucking die. snowflake bitch wont last 5 minutes in the real world. good thing she lives in a time where she gets paid by 12 year olds for playing a game and crying over LITERALLY FAKE ANIMALS
Me: I can't wait for the last of us 2
Girl: Fuck you
See very sad scene starts crying sees something that cheers her up the. It gets shot in the head
Why did the girl look like she was looking at her
She probably spent like 2 weeks on this game, i spent 2 days on it, kinda sad i finished it so fast
Give her an Oscar #MarionCotillardPerformance
I feel bad but Ellie had to she could die but still 1like=10000 loves for bunny
5:06 That's me when an animal dies in a game or in a movie
Can anyone relate?
wtf? did she never seen somthing like this
Tryna catch me riding dirty
Son píxeles conñooo
Bunny reaction was priceless sorry
shocking a female streamer overacting to something….
This one why some women can’t play video games
Hahaha fuck your bunny xD
Man she shouldnt be playing this ?
CRINGE LEVEL 10000000000000000
5:075 Keep tapping
I want to see her play red dead 2