The best animals fight back compilation you’ll ever see with some of the craziest human karma I’ve ever witnessed.
Check out the most deserved instant karma fails: https://youtu.be/-2Vm_Fxr4vc
We like to create the best videos in each viral trend, this was our attemped at animals fight back and if you’d like to see more compilations, wins, fails and instant karma be sure to subscribe.
On a side note if you have any videos that involve animals getting their revenage/own back on humans email us and we’ll feature them in our next video.
Fuckin bitch ass kids.!!!
These animals should be rewarded. People get so scared.
When your mom tries to wake you up from a good dream: 3:06
2:55 Run Forest Run!
1:59 OOF!athon!
1:39 what kind of mom is that evil?
I bet a peta member made this
Man: Yeah take that
Kangaroo: am I a joke to you
Who kisses a ? ?????????
the kangaroo tho ? he was like: AM I NOT DA BOXING ANIMAL???
LMFAO @ the dude punching the kangaroo.
1:25 this boi really just death roll because that was beautiful
0:14 No Solicitors! I choose you GOOSE!
At 4:53 that guys got Swaned
0:52 that dog wasn't bleeding on the original video
watching humans get attacked by animals makes me happy and if everyone died and went to hell that would be ok with me bc humans are fucking disgusting.
?????i love all the animals….???????
1:00 ok you dont need to flex
The lamb was just playing but it still is a headbutt contest and will still be painful on a kid, and the parents, instead of helping the kid, were laughing their ass off. Wow…
stupid people!!!go animals go
I have no faith in humanity
See,these animals are sick of our shit,now their revolting!
And I wanna front row seat! Fuck those two legged pieces of shit up!!!
At 1:40 the mom just stood there and recorded. She should be reported to child protective services
at 4:02 he stole my video from my other acc i lost the gray one that was attacked his name is diego and the white and black one is name is bandit those are my cats :/ bandit is dead now :/
i love the 2nd one where the man flew after the camel bit his head made me laugh the 100 times i watched it