I dont own copyright but i cant leave another animal to die.
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I dont own copyright but i cant leave another animal to die.
Click the link to donate now: http://donations.rspca.org.uk/BAR/online.aspx?seg=12CIN10322&utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Display&utm_content=MPU300x250&utm_campaign=BAR_Dogs
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the rspca are discusting after what i found out they do and what they did to my dog
I love cats soooooooooooooooooo much 🙂
well there are more of them than me I have killed a load of creatures for food.. tell you what what you doing and RSPCA about ISLAM and halal killing animal takes up to 8 mins to die drowning on its own blood. WA TO SEE IT? go youtube typo in the devis meat and look. I bet you love muslims
NO, they put animals down if they don't pass a behavior test or if they have a injury that cant be fixed and i bet they have helped more animals that you
Animal Rescue my ass when RSPCA cant rehouse an animal its shot