Try Not To Laugh Watching the best Animal Fails Compilation of America’s Funniest Home Videos (AFV) June 2019 Part 1. Enjoy!!!
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Like what does that even mean
I like this video because it is so so very funny so yeah thank you for that coment.???????????????????
# covines
Its not funny
if u guys cant hear me then plz tell me down in the comments
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Buồn cười quá
que risa
5:06 can I have one
I love third 1
A ⁴ Leaf Clover
Human: Shows The Dog A 4 Leaf Clover
Dog: What is that? I'm gonna eat it. eats it
Human: No you're not spose to eat it.
2:37 reminds me of “Oh ShOoT a RaT”
Que lindos los animales
2:22 This is me in the Morning, when I see I have no coffee anymore in house ??? Very funny animal video! Thank you for entertaining, it makes my day ❤️
My dog can scratch her nose by using one paw
First one! ???
Very cute and so funny video. Thank you for sharing.
Nice Video..
This is so funny
The first one it made me laugh the third one and the second one Hahaha Ha
Do not read my name within 7.46 seconds.
Lol cat gone crazy