Sit back, relax and enjoy this compilation of some of the greatest ever clips from the People are Awesome Vs. FailArmy archive! For those that enjoy our Wipeout Wednesday and PAA Vs. FA compilations, we wanted to bring you more amazing people doing incredible things and wacky wipeouts, so here’s a throwback to a few favorites!
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8:13 the best one
: -)
Actually,in the fail army, people don't fail, their equipments make them fail :}
Beda goblok
Kid's mom: kid, what are you watching?
Kid: umm…
Video: 5:09
Kid: im ded
Mom: :> yes
Everyone of the wins have had their fair share of fails. Its part of the learning process.
Some people are S.T.U.P.I.D.
What is the first song name
9:12 the guy's board says loser
R you gonna make a ep 3
To be fair, I dont think you can fail at extreme sports. Hear me out. If its snowboarding, skateboard, bmx, inline, mountain biking, you are going to crash alot as you learn new stuff. That said, there are also “no win” situations. Like the dudes on a stripper pole. I dont care if he did a quadruple backflip dismount, its still gay.
Fun fact: the people that fails has worst camera and the people that wins has better camera
Not all
you know the people who cant do that stuff can do better stuff
6:38 smooth clean and awesome
Thank you…
Fail – 5:05 and 8:40 same clip
that music is horrid.
For real some ass eating going on in the thumbnail.
Nothing same thing
Remember, you can't become People Are Awesome without first going through the FailArmy ?
I like these "People Are Awesome Vs. FailArmy" videos because they show how small the line between wining or losing is. And how far training can bring you.
ALso I think the people in the FailArmy are still winners for trying such stuff in the first place. And some of them might make it to people are awesome one day.
9:45 is where the girl eats the other girls ass in the thumbnail
3:20 ???
It's not shame to try…. Right?
The fail for the last one was too graphic…
Was some nice Looking Pole Dancers in this Video. I think everyone should Experience! The Strip Club
Experience! Atleast once in there lifetime.?????
Even the Fail Army does better than I do. Respect for 'em.
All the people from "people are awesome" videos were once people from failarmy. You get close to perfection because of practice and you fall many times on your way there.
Does this music remind anyone else of the Chemical Brothers??
In 14 cases it was failed equipment not running out of ability , and. I would of also had a grin on my face in the last so called fail, too!
Some of the fail army’s part are at extreme level but they are failarmy
9:42 ( °_°)
9:41 don't waste time