Watch and Try Not To Laugh – Iron IV is Too Insane For You | LoL Funny/Fails Compilation #36
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? Send me your LOL replays (rofl files + recorded) to: sp.solomidchannel@gmail.com
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?League of Legends Video Clip Sources:
—————- ? Channel—————-
➥ [Fabulous shepArd]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyFOXYDvVi6z2ibMWNXMqHQ
➥ [RedPred]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ERE2V23_x62mAUc0Lj0HA
➥ [Spirit]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFfqBED9IlPqHTWviUSemQA
➥ [Crab Lelly]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpilcVTB18ATJ2UzFi9whxw
➥ [TheLonelyLynx]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMgG3S5UxF8b-L838J_RE6w
—————- ? Sent by—————-
➥ Richard Tavares
【?】 Music Game: Vexento – Return Of The Heroes
【?】 Music Game: Vexento – Sentimento
【?】 Music Game: Vexento – Let Them Laugh
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#solomid #solomidmontage #leagueoflegends #lol #league #legends #epicmoments
Aq bardı. Embesil karakter.
Is that supposed to be funny ??
very funny xD
4:03 Epic Fail
Lord semi é grão mestre…
gg NB3 is jungle main used all summonerspells and ulti for a buff
Try to not cry*
Dine 1 vs 1 tayo mga idiot
xem cáu vcl
Hey, i make a lot gameplay if you want^^.
Intro music?
Lel wie da einfach noway ist xD
NB3 belongs to iron for sure thx for the clip ?❄️
SOLOMID is noob on Lee sin
Change this intro..
Makes you think… why do I do this stuff
드럽게 못함
Iron IV but videos from german challenger?? ahhaaa ;)) that happens to everyone sometimes. called brain afk
The first clip is brazilian challenger LOL
Diễn vãi lồn. Đỉ mẹ nó
I love this channel
I'm from VietNam 😉
increible video hermanos sigue asi , siempre te apoyado , espero q llegues al millon de subscriptores
Nb3 is silver ?