More clips have been submitted by fans/subscribers – this time, two near-death encounters with the orbital cannon. A familiar face from some older videos returns.
Project: Helisexuality Twitter: https://twitter.com/PHelisexuality
Helisexuality Discord server:
Rockstar’s email address, use it to send suggestions/ideas for GTA Online: GTAOnline@rockstargames.com
Petition to let us fly without pitch-stabilization:
The original old petition/thread this channel was created for: http://gtaforums.com/topic/862610-project-helisexuality-a-petition/
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVZ2ha3pqd6mgiAo762K3lA
For those curious about the Serbian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVR3YcqVLpE
Also, everyone's clips are on a list I have. I haven't forgotten any, just a matter of finding the right time and place to slot them in. If anyone else has any really nice moments, I'll gladly feature them in a video.
>when you get so pissed off over a video game you regularly make death threats
AHAHAHA FKING LOVIN IT where you use the rc glitch to catch the area FKING HILARIOUS ?
?? this must be fake there's no way this dude just say that he will go to a police station HOPING to find your location using the police resources ??? THERE'S NO WAY THIS IS REAL
OOOOOOFF the first one just wasted 750K
(except if he's using the glitch like a bbbbb…… aby)
He was the luckiest person alive
Why is this dude so salty
I'll make him go offline in 5 seconds
that's a dirty gipsy from the serbia streets asking for money to play in internet cafe to fight in gta.
Taking my xbox to police headquarters to find out where you live hahahaha what in the retardation
What if god was ccome fight? OH and he spelt I'll wrong.
I just watched the video about the "Serbian Mob" and Im still laughing
Yeee fuck try hard scum
Its just the damn Toy Car.
My dad's a cop. I'll have you arrested.
Oh yeah? My dad's YouTube.
I'm about to end this whole mans career
You did the rc car glitch bruh
You can kill godmode with the fire truck water cannon ?
I remember I once gave a toxic kid my address after he threatened to step everything and beat up my family and kill some of them
The address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500-0003
United States
Why do you look at the character select with rc bandito glitch? (Sorry for asking I’ve not tried it so idk)
His grammar insults me
Ok first of all no mafia is going to waste time and effort on problems in a video game and second if this kid was really in a mafia he would be dead for even making this a big deal.
This dude is a straight up dumbass and an asshole it's a fucking game. I stopped playing cuz of people like this. This dude obviously has no life since he threatening people over getting killed by someone in a fucking video game.
Why do you not go to the police and report this idiot?
What if god was one of us…
Just a Tryhard like one of us..
Just a cheater on the bus..
Trying to teleport his way home
Ahh my man flaming and metro are in this video
What is this glitch cause there sure be some tryhards that be joining peaceful sessions I find and make them chaotic. I would love to do this to them.
The people who say I'm gonna take my xbox or whatever to the police station headquarters over this little thing the police aren't going to do anything. They are going to look at you like ok kid move along its just a game meanwhile if the person was threatening through via text messaging illegally hacking such as overriding the system by stealing money, stats, rank, destroying consoles and shutting off Wi-Fi without authorization is against all federal laws in the U.S. I do cybersecurity work and what I stated above is true. Its not hard to figure out who these people are like their real names i know ways of finding out. Keep up the great work on exposing these people and I am looking forward to seeing more videos from now till the day I die.
Hahahah this is probably the hilarious vid I ever watched today.
Sending his console to the police to find your location. That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard on this day today. How thick he is lol.
Plz piss him of more if you meet him again soon.
1:48 How did you do that?
What was it trevor says in storymode, AH I've trotten in s'hit with more brains than you lol and that is THAT guy to a tee lol
salutes to the toy car
I haven't touched GTA since this gay ass godmode bug has become so prevalent.
God bless the heroic little toy car.
I was there when that happened
Let’s all go spam What if god was with oof messages
Console peasants are hilarious.
Bro with the rc glitch you can take the up and atom gun , its verrrryyyyy funny to troll peeople ;D
LMFAO! Very imaginative way to face him cheers bro!
You can tell he’s a virgin that never gets off Gta 5
Holy shit I gotta do this lag switching is getting boring
And tryhards say that they don't take the game seriously
The kid apparently needs attention. His words are cringey af?
Griefing innocent tryhards… This channel makes me sick
Threats to kill,What an absolute loser,as for you're vid,nice very smooth ??✊