Crocs don’t just eat their prey—they take them for a ride in their brutal death roll.
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Read more in “American Crocodile”
Watch a Croc’s Brutal Death Roll | Boss Croc
Nat Geo Wild
A pig is enough for a month? That’s sounds too little to be true. Someone verify
I smell Bacon
They see me rollin…. They hatin..
only one pig in a month?
Everyone has to admit crocs are the most deadly carnivores
Funniest nature joke ever:
"Why didn't you save the poor animal it deserved to live skwllaldiekkwnsn ???."
F*ck i hate crocs
submarine with teeth
These guys killed the pig and gave it to the crocodile
Bait pig. Bad cut job
Very dangerous
Suar ko marna to marna h
The way nature is created, it makes me wonder that humans could have created it much smarter than God. It's horrible to see one living being killing the other just for it's own survival. The nature is designed in such an illogical way where every living being is forced to commit injustice on the other for it's own survival.
This applies to humans more. Injustice, corruption, and so many things are a day to day life which is just a result of someone wanting to be more happy, more prosperous. The way we shrug off an animal killing another animal stating that it's a part and parcel of nature, similarly injustice done by one human on another is also a part and parcel of the nature because it's quite natural for humans to want more, seek pleasure. No wonder the human world is an amplified version of a jungle where wars for oil, killing for money, corruption, resulting in millions of people starving to death, more horrible is big firms putting other people's life at risk for their own benefit so that those bunch of people working in those firm can survive. Human world is no better and all those jungle conflicts are a daily event in human world too. Height of stupidity is that all living beings thank God for creating such an illogical nature.
The government should build a pond to house about 20 of these hungry reptiles and feed them convicts on death row. Do you think that would deter crime?
Saltwater Crocodile alert
have you ever heard the story of the pig and the crocodile?
ONE DAY, 1:11 …. thats it. thats the whole story
4:37 ??????
Where is the rest of the video?
Nature is beautiful
How do they get so close while it’s underwater?
I seen one of these in a New York sewer.
Top 10 Deadliest Anime moves
The closest thing that nature has to an izuna drop
14 feet long still hide from the river bullies?? So how big are the bullies?? 16-25 feet??
Pig got rekt
1:10 – the pig was dead before. Fake.
Jesus christ it ripped its head off
Is it scary that my dogs does it in tug of war, should I be scared
Honestly the creature i'm most terrified of. The thought of seeing a gator underwater gives me shivers.
rip piggy
The word deathroll just scares me
Patch notes are coming soon once he is bigger
if only death roll was in WWE
Beautiful graceful predator
2 more kills till UAV
Can I just say QUEEN
R.I.P Peppa pig
I think I beat Justin Y. here.