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0:23 that dude could of had his head crushed.
В конце чувак сознание чтоли потерял
Boo Boos boyfriend has control problems and needs to learn to provide for himself lol
Power of the BBC.
At 2:08 The giraffe just found his freedom. zoo's and circuses suck !
A fuc*in giraffe!?!?! WTF
2:35 "please remain seated until ride comes to a complete stop, unless this is Mexico, then it doesnt matter."
2:35 thats Spain ?
2:55 thug life 😀
3:37 WTF????!!!
Jaja 4:00 payaso troll
Maybe the slingshot ride should be banned. I always see people passing out.
The Last Video from 5:34….. Hahahhhahahahaahhahahhaahahhahaahhaa….. Dude was shouting muthafuka and fainting constantly. Hahhaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha!
I could watch 2:35 for hours..
What do they call the place with all the mirrors, "The Chamber of Lawsuits"?
4:07 that cake clearly says "Happy Birthay Jeff" , who spells "Birthday" wrong?
Insurance adjuster: "How'd this happen again?"
Car owner: "Well a giraffe came running at me…"
1:36 If this isn't the perfect embodiment of eldest vs. youngest child, I don't know what is.
0.26 man… Damn… ?
0:59 overreaction much
2:36 Funny but, don't try this at home, kiddies.
That last one was a little disturbing
niggas can't fly hahaha
Bruh that last one tho ???what was he saying
Actually Mr Word Pig it's Jesus ? ….bite it you scum!
GG Allin
That giraffe is still running
05:40 LOL
Hahaha the last 2 videos!!!!!
Error 404
Blackman.exe has stopped working
Last guy might of had several bowel movements.
3:37 is my town. Every year they drop these huge pumpkins full of candy and kids just swarm. Its harrowing
The kid in the beginning who pushed the ladder is fucking asshole
For vertical recording should be punished.
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