Latest batch of cute pit bull puppies here at the sanctuary. These and many more are available for adoption from Best Friends Animal Society. View pets available for adoption: http://bestfriends.org/adopt/adopt-our-sanctuary.
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So where the mama at?
cuteness meter just went off the scale
I love Pitbull pups, they look like little piglets!
I want one! They look so cute!
Such beautiful pups
so cute
Aaaawwwwwwwwww!! They're soooo cute!! 3
Yes and a man was killed by another man so should all of them die just cause of what some people do no should all pitbulls die just cause of what some dogs did no
I have a pitbull and he is the sweetest and kindest dog ever
Published Sept. 23rd 2013
A 2-year-old Arizona boy has died after being mauled by a trio of pit bulls at his baby sitter’s house, police say.
The special needs toddler and his four siblings were at the baby sitter’s house in Gilbert on Sunday morning when three of the dogs in the house began fighting, Fox 10 News reports.
such good babies
Best friends is an animal sancutary 🙂 they do not breed dogs!!! They take in pregnant mothers or a litter of puppies some idiot bred and didn't want to take care of. Then they will be spayed and neutered before they are adopted by screened adopters 🙂
@HayateKasumi ShimboriHayashi I think you need to rethink because "dead are Alive" is not a popular game in the west, plus you need to re type that there's no translation for dumbass.
20? LOOL! no its averagely 3 per years … last year german shepherd has killed more people than pitbull 1death against 2death from german shepherd stfu
@HayateKasumi ShimboriHayashi How are you talking about countries when you can't even spell correctly? You can afford a computer but you can't buy a dictionary?
first I'll say this: pitbulls are the sweetest dogs I have ever met and have the prettiest faces of any dog ever. But I want to know why people continue to produce litters of them. Is this a sanctuary that took in pregnant pitties from rescuers? These pups are so cute! But I think it's wrong to breed when so many dogs need homes.
Its too bad their banned in uk! they so cute 🙂
CUTIES PUPPIES EVER!!!! I love love love pitbulls!!
you are a waste of skin AND air..you have NO SOUL
you are an idiot and a freak show…OMG!!!!
It has been very scary idea to get close to any dog for me but OMG look at the cute ones with the blue eyes :D:D:D:D:D
You know if it was Golden Retrievers in this videos there wouldn't be ANY biased comments… Just shut up and do some research on these animals before bitching about something you obviously know nothing about. Pit bulls are beautiful dogs, just like all the rest. That's just like saying black people are only good for eating fried chicken and stealing bikes… It's racist against the dog breed and completely ignorant. So please, shut up. Kay?
the funny thing is im 17 now and out of the 17 years of living in this world ive been bit by to dogs a shit zu and my beagle all the big dogs ive been around are the sweetest things ever
Just look at all those vicious puppy licks!
i wish the camera was my face!
They r sooooo cuuuuuuuuute omg im dyiiiing i just have To have one!!!!
badz dobry dla tych wspanialych pieskuw oddaj w dobre rece prosze
The end part where they're all turning their heads was so cute I couldn't help but to laugh, I love my pit bull!
Everybody owes it to themselves once in their life to own a pitbull!
Too cute!
You are a horrible breed of human
Those are great dogs..wish i can get one..
I Have a pitbull puppy her name is sasha,she is awesome