Croc vs. the Great White | Animal Face-Off

Croc vs. the Great White | Animal Face-Off
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On this episode of Animal Face-Off a croc and great white shark go head to head.

For More Intense Animal Brawls Check Out:

The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile on
the planet. The great white shark is the world’s largest predatory shark.
Saltwater crocodiles usually live in northern Australian rivers and offshore is
where a saltwater croc could meet a great white.


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About the Author: Admin


  1. These are two of the oldest creatures on earth , crocs kill more people a year , the shark is not even close in numbers . they are both smart enough to stick to their environments …..crocs stick to swallow water and sharks usually deeper water . They have found shark remains in crocs more often as sharks venture to swallow water when food is scarce . Two very intelligent creatures , outside their nature habitats they are vulnerable , I would never want to bet on it …….

  2. This video is extremely flawed

    First off let's state the problems with the croc
    1. Crocodylus porosus do not get up to 3000 pounds the largest recorded was 2100-2300 iirc and no krys is fake and I will not use him as a size. It is true that there are reported 23 foot salties but they are rare and remember "reported" not "recorded

    2. Saltwater crocodiles can hold their breathe for over an hour unless that croc was crushing this sharks skull for hours I don't see why it would run out of air.

    3. The crocodiles bite especially of that size would've easily "crushed" the sharks skull "made of carteladge

    4.crocodiles are very agile in water and very fast and could just as easily out menuver the shark as the shark could the crocodile

    Now the great white

    1. Great whites don't reach 7000 pounds that as possible as the shark from jaws being real is.

    2. Even if the shark was under the crocodile going to ambush it crocodiles have superb senses and could easily sense the sharks vibrations in the water coming and avoid the attack if the shark was to attack it in the first place

    3. When sharks are turned over they go into some form of paralysis that immobilizes then and when they lose a fin the can't turn therefore could swin towards the crocodile not being able to attack it and if the crocodile didn't kill it by then it would die

    4. The moment the crocodile bite it's skull Wich is made out of carteladge would've crushed it and killed it almost instantly and not to mention that sharks noses are very sensitive.

    Finally if this were real they would simply avoid each other and under rare circumstances fight Wich heavily leans towards the crocodiles side.

    Now I wanna see a crocodylus porosus and great white team up against an orca

  3. the shark doesnt just recover from the fin and if he goes upside down he isint coming back up lmao………. crocs can hold their breath for over an hour

  4. It really depends on how you write it, either of them could have won depending on what side you are biased towards. Croc bite is strong, shark is fast. Who gets the first bite depends on many circumstances.

  5. I see what people are pointing out. Their stats showed that the Shark would beat the Croc but the fight animation here showed 3 scenes where the Croc would have won, this was back when animated fight scenes sucked ass.

  6. I get that the croc has more powerful teeth and jaws that could lock the shark in a serious situation but the great white is bigger, heavier, faster and stronger

  7. Animal planet i have one wish please make it true delete all of the crybabys saying "THE CROC WOULD WIN CUZ THE SHARK LOST ITS FIN!" they are The Sharks and Crocs Experts + Delete the comments that are saying the shark would win because we saw that in video!

  8. The Great White takes the crock home in deep water. Shallow water is a different story. Sharks have an electroreceptor organ called The Ampullai of Lorenzini. They can detect the brainwave activity of prey as it moves through the water. The shark would know exactly where the croc is long before the croc knows there's even a shark in the neighborhood. The Great White would come straight up from below and place the bite on the underside of the croc.The shark would bite then move away and let the croc bleed out then go for the kill shot once the croc is weakened. Just to get an idea of how horrorfying the great white is look on YT here and enter "The largest Great White ever filmed." And see the breach of a Great White named Colossus and see if you think a croc of ANY size could survive a bite from that nightmare.

  9. 2 simply assume the audience would believe this duel & sigh with a great relief or surprise is just plain bullshit & really stupid!
    Even n old lady or a small boy will know it's heavily computer-generated!!!
    Nice try 4 the person 2 show this video!But,too bad!
    Suggest u get real & 4 gd.,ok!!!

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