When a hungry tiger wanders into rival territory, fur will fly.
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Animal Fight Night features same-species battles between some of the biggest and baddest fighters of the animal kingdom, and some of the most surprising, revealing the extraordinary motivations and strategies that fuel each incredible brawl.
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Slash a Tiger By the Toe | Animal Fight Night
Nat Geo Wild
Clara : C'mon old tigress! Show that big mean male 450-lb heavyweight tiger who's boss!
this is an old female desperate , she has broken teeth,could nor hunt properly so does not want to give up the kill, Already has been chased out of her territory by her own daughter, But she was a majestic animal that ruled the best land for a long time , search for the story of Machli. , sadly this was the last time she was seen.
Slow down(or pause) at 2:01 she got so scared she peed herself lol
I thought flipping onto the back makes is difficult for the other to avoid the claws?
Poor tigerss
Indias pride our tigers..
Tigers are awesome
A female should ever fight with a male. Make is much stronger and can kill her.
I wish the tigers would just share the land and get along.
Thats like WWE Tiger Night
Feminists be like…That's sexist!
Come on I love Tigers but that male tiger is mean???
Tiger great killer , ? great fighter
0:48 That is NOT how anatomy works!
Retarded commentary has nothing to do with the video (images), bye.
hahah he said swagger!
Can't they just be family instead??? They are endangered already..
this narrators said the tiger has careless swagger lol
she wants the stripy d
They should make love and have babies.why are they fighting?
Same video different dubs lol?
the narrators voice is so annoying
how do they get these shots?
lol why does it look like these clips are from different vids