An abused dog in India was rescued, but nothing seemed to heal her fearful heart. Until one day she met with a surprise…
Sponsor Grace’s life-long sanctuary and protection at Animal Aid Unlimited: http://www.animalaidunlimited.com/product/grace-6-month-sponsorship/
Who can do such a horrible act to another being …poor little dog. instead of a heart they have something else….i have rescued 2 hairy? body's they're my unconditional friends
Why? I don't understand.
Thank you India!!!!!! Your country and leaders scare me, but your people dont.
Way to go humans!! Way to gooooo!
Good job animal aid god bless u all..,.
Aese logon ko mout q nhai aati jo in bezubano par zulum karty hain falij giry unlogon k haton par pairon par mazoor hojayen ameen
wow she very good in fighting with a dog
Some people are crazy psycho those people need to be locked up for life
Beautiful dog
Amazing ending
Không gì là không thể, Love you…all so much. ❤❤❤
I from to Viet Nam.
Some ppl dont have nice hearts to live in always doing bad
who did that to an innocent dog that person deserve to be punished
Hurt, heartbroken, betrayed, dismayed, and discouraged is what i felt while watching this video. My heart aches and i get very emotional but i couldn’t stop watching the darn video because i believe that there is hope for animals that were betrayed. IF ONLY I AM A MILLIONAIRE but i am not…. please tell me how to donate, i dont have much in life but my heart was filled with compassion and i was moved.
Jesus thought me how to love people. And i will apply it to animals too!
Okay, I'll admit it: I had to skip to the last minutes. I could not watch this poor dog's suffering. Just. Could. Not. Watch. It.
The person who did this…I only want to ask them, why? Just killing the dog outright would be less cruel- and already monstrous- then torturing them like this. This person must have looked into this dog's eyes and felt nothing. That is profoundly disturbing.
Someone who did this.. Dude karma is watchin you.. be ready..
She's beautiful!!! Why do people do this!! It's so much easier and feels so good just to be nice to all living creatures!!
This makes me sad and happy at the same time…..but seeing him happpy makes me happy!♥️
Hahahaha yahhhh
Os animais são alvos de muita crueldade, e tem lugar que é pior que outros, infelizmente o homem é o maior causador.
Some humans have never been civilised. This is truly horrific.
Just like two children playing together. Brilliant.
Ohhh if I could find or know where that sub human bottom feeder is I'd gladly wipe it off the face off the earth. What scum to do that. Thank you kind and beautiful people.
Thank you soo much for loving helping caring these innocent animals. I'm crying for her. God bless you all people
Thank you for your loving care of these animals!
people who did this to her ..you have earned special seat to hell..this will happen to you for sure Nd i pray worse for you
Fuck the person that done that
2:06 ey give it back girl
No its mine now
Quit messing I'll bite
Iam dead serious
Gente como assim?? Amarraram um arame no cachorro????
People like you guys are the reason this world is so balanced between good and bad you guys are so good and great. I wish you nothing but love, happiness and good fortune.
What is wrong with some people?
It's a great thing that people like Animal Aid exist to put things right.
wie kann man so ein mensch sein und ein hund oder ein tier umbringen wollen!!!!!!!!!