A 22-year-old aboriginal woman’s death could have been prevented, a West Australian coroner has found. CCTV footage released now shows how she was treated leading up to her death, two days after being imprisoned for unpaid fines.
A 22-year-old aboriginal woman’s death could have been prevented, a West Australian coroner has found. CCTV footage released now shows how she was treated leading up to her death, two days after being imprisoned for unpaid fines.
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If i was there i would make sure they paid
They just like killed this woman, I'm so sad and my heart failing about this incidents that woman suffered because of trust issue, I'm hoping that police and doctors will treat the prisoners same as richest people.
Humanity left the building
Very upsetting.these people need bringing to trial
australians are racist bastards
This is such a sad situation and should have NEVER happened. Poor girl. I pray she is in peace now.
This is why I love dead cops.
Unpaid tickets cost her, her life. That’s unacceptable and criminal, not just the police who held her but especially the doctor who mis diagnosed her because of being jailed.
This video makes me ashamed to be a white human being
Fk sue
Of course no one was ever held accountable.
After watching this video I must says that white r the cold hearted ppl. Never ever trust them. In this world if u really want to survive than stay away with cold heart ppl.
This is how white fella sees all of us on our own land. We are being murdered by white fella everyday.
White devils once again. Sickening actions.
I guess I'll be paying my fines on time from now on. Lesson learned
Shame on everyone
ausi ausi ausi oi oi oi
im aborignal
dont you worry il tell my sheet's all this sheet's… of Police
That horrible to let someone die like this, slowly, without help. Alone, away from family and friends who might have cared at least.
How is this a ghost video?
Absolutely disgusting and inhuman
Australia still behaving like lowlife criminals just like their ancestors.
This horrific treatment fucken police power trippers
Those police officers are absolute idiot I Hope they get fired are terrible people they should not be working at all that poor woman was suffering and she probably was taking the drugs for her to get better but she thought that! Leave a like for my comment if you agree with me!
Evil evil bastards
that is the case in all colonized countries of first nations peoples from downunder to north america does anybody else see this or isit just me a man how has been beat and left for dead or almost death 3 times in canada folks the police ,prision gaurds . for a few years now as far as i know .from family members that dont say nothing ,once a month a man or woman has died within or before held by police for 20 years now by beatings or spray or shoot without real cause to kill . it has to be the way they are trained not to look on other media or just plain brainwashed by the trainers or higher ups who get there orders from other people brainwashed but the end result we are suffering
Poor women ..i ask allah to have mercy on her soul
They don't care she's " just a woman!" Very sad to see