Scary Moments Ever Natural Disasters Caught on Camera WORLD DIS — July 15, 2019 22 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist Scary Moments Ever Natural Disasters Caught on Camera source causes of flash floods causes of flood effects of flood flash flood definition flash flood facts flash flood vs flood flash floods videos floods definition floods in india prevention of floods Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
It annoys me how people that live in earthquake zones are the ones that like to fill up there shelves the most with crap.
is it wrong that I played 'shake, rattle, and roll" and 'whole lotta shakkin going on' during the quake scenes?
Helpful tip: if a tornado doesn’t look like it’s moving in any direction, it means it’s heading right towards you
Oh well, at least people know what to do.
why are we stacking shit that high in fault zones still
It annoys me how people that live in earthquake zones are the ones that like to fill up there shelves the most with crap.
These two videos have the same time here is the link to the other one:
I guess you CAN capture a tornado! Well done!
"do you see that? do you see that tornado?" "yes Karen, Im in the same car as you"
is it wrong that I played 'shake, rattle, and roll" and 'whole lotta shakkin going on' during the quake scenes?
Why do I have an obsession with watching storms that kill thousands of people?
Your name is 'world dis' xD
Do you not even know what 'dis' means???
Interesting how almost all the earthquake footages are from Japan
Lightning is not a natural disaster.
Helpful tip: if a tornado doesn’t look like it’s moving in any direction, it means it’s heading right towards you
and God said "get your butt back in the house"
My worst fear are natural disasters
Its like im watching the end of the world ?? great videos
Died trying to save his TV and toys?
I feel like i'm in a earthquake right now! 》Xd
50% storm
50% earthquake
Why do Americans always say Oh my god all the time? It's rather annoying.
girl 8.08 is condemned to hell she cussed the Lord's name in vain repent ur sins bitch
These people are dumb they are driving towards the tornado
Anyone else see a face at 2:40?!?!? Just me… okay…..