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Soto Betawi is an Indonesian soup dish that originates right in Jakarta. Soto is a term that can refer to many varieties of different soups originating from across the Indonesian archipelago. The Betawis are the group of people who are originally from the area where modern day Jakarta is located. So the English name for Soto Betawi would be Jakarta soup, or Jakarta beef soup. There are many restaurants in Jakarta that serves soto Betawi, but I chose to go to Soto Betawi Haji Husein (it’s also sometimes spelled H. Husen).
I arrived at the restaurant, and it was already packed with customers. They were doing all the food assembling and some of the cooking at the front of the restaurant, and they had some bar counter seating, but it was so full and busy, that I decided to just grab a communal table seat in the middle of the restaurant. Ying and I both ordered soto Betawi, and they first brought us some black tea. Next they brought us each a plate of rice topped with crispy shallots, and in a few minutes they delivered us our bowls of soto. The soto was milky looking and yellow in color. On my first bite, I thought it tasted similar to Thai tom kha gai – a coconut milk soup.
The soto Betawi was milky, but not too rich – I think it was a combination of perhaps coconut milk or mostly regular fresh milk to give it a creaminess, but it wasn’t too rich to the point where it was hard to drink the soup. Additionally, there were lots of aromatic herbs and spices within the soup, I could taste the kaffir lime leaves and the galangal. The main bulk of the soup was beef, and there were bite sized pieces of beef in the bottom of the bowl. The meat tasted like it had been slightly dehydrated, like half to beef jerky, so it had a little bit of a smoky flavor. But at the same time the beef in the soto was very tender.
Soto Betawi is an amazing dish and one of the Indonesian foods you have to eat when you’re in Jakarta, because that’s where it originates. There are many places where you can try soto Betawi, and Soto Betawi Haji Husein is one of the most legendary spots in Jakarta.
Soto Betawi Haji Husein (H. Husen)
Address: Jalan Padang Panjang No. 6C, Kel. Pasar Manggis, Kec. Setiabudi, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
7 am – 2 pm from Saturday – Thursday (closed on Friday)
Total price – 110,000 IDR ($8.34) for 4 bowls of soto and rice
Soto Betawi review on my blog: https://migrationology.com/soto-betawi-haji-husein/
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►You might also be interested in my Jakarta Travel Guide for Food Lovers: https://migrationology.com/travel-guides/jakarta-indonesia/
Saya penggemar soto betawi, saya baru saja membelinya. Dibungkus, ngga dikasih emping, g dikasih sambal, acar. Harga 33rb, rasa biasa aja, banyak soto yg lbh enak dan komplit dgn harga 20ribu. Saya ngga ngerti bs serame itu. Padahal rs standar tp dgn harga mahal.
Makan nya byk ya ??
From west to east : Soto Medan, Soto Padang, Soto Betawi, Soto Lamongan, Cotto Makassar
Makanan / kue betawi gak lepas dari olahan kelapa
Jujur aja menurut gw soto betawi dsini tuh terenak sejakarta. Porsi nya emg gak besar ky sto btawi pd pinang. Tp rasa gurihnya tuh gilak maksimal bgt!!
You're a sh*t eater.
@mark wien klo makan kepalanya udah miring2 gtu berarti enak rasanya…bikin ngiler aja klo channel mark
After many years i watch again your video and damn still love your face expression lol
Kebanyakan dengdek lu tong
Kepalanya die miring itu artinya enak ?
Soto betawi its good
Stop eating sambal too much it ia so much scary Mark
I can not help eating cabe rawit at all…..
Mark wiens you came to Jakarta ya enjoying my fav soto Betawi ..hope to meet you one day
My fav soto..is soto betawi yummy ?
You have to try Soto Banjar in Banjarmasin Indonesia, you will get an amazing experience
Mark itu mirip alm. Pak bondan "maknyus" yak? Bisa bikin ngiler terus yang nonton
Omg… That sambal ?
I am indonesia
The crackers is made of gnetum gnemon nuts.. it's commonly use soto, and porridge.. the nuts itself usually added in 'sayur asem' vegetable soup contain mostly of chayote, young papaya, gnemon nuts&leafs, peanuts, tamarin, palm&brown sugar.. yumyummm
This place also is my favorite one… Yummyyy
Expresinya bikin gua laper plus ngiler.. ?
Omg can you stop with that stupid look while chewing
He eats more chilli and hot sauce even more than the locals themselves. Nice video. Thanks for sharing
LOL mark eat sambal and chilli from pickels he can't handle it…sweating like it was a rain.. You might be can't finish Seblak Jeletet. But i admit it Soto Betawi is never enough if we just eat for one bowl..
eating sambal is a way to become an Indonesian citizen without changing your citizenship … congrats mark you’re indonesian now.. ?❤️?
Kenapa kalau rasanya enak kepalanya selalu miring wkskw
2019 ?♀️
Suka sekali Soto betawi????
Kalau kepalanya miring itu makanannya enak
am indonesian and watching this in germany. thanks mark for making me miserably missing my home country ?
siapa yg nonton ini sambil makan soto betawi? ??❤
miring ke kanan hey…palanya miring ke kanan ke kanan ke kanan, ke kanan dan ke kanan?
I have seen many of his video but never seen he repeat order of food at least 2 bowls of that mouth watering soto betawi
Kuat juga nih bule makan sambelnya
Not cup, but mug of tea. LOL
The white thing in that soup is not like a dough, it is called Emping, kind of crackers made from Melinjo nut.
My fav place to lunch with my office mates?
Gila,, doyan bgt makan sambal ni orang, udah pake sambal+Lombok sekali makan,,, haha
Mantap bro
Rip H. husen, the owner
Hi mark, betawi is classification for original people of jakarta, like identity
Halo.. Im Indonesian (from Bukittinggi, West Sumatera), and i love your videos…. Little piece of white thing that you say in minutes 5:57, that is melinjo crackers… Indonesian people love's crackers, so they add in may dishes… I really like the way you enjoy the food .
You are awesome
"Im not sure about this" 2:16. That's called emping from melinjo . Gnentum gnemon as well
Bangga rasanya orang luar negri berkunjung ke Indonesia dan makan makanan Indonesia.
Mantap Bro….
Saya di Jakarta, masih banyak kuliner Betawi yang mantap….
Actually, that sambal need to be pour on the Soto, not the rice xD. But, u r awesome dude
Mark pls don't eat soo much chillies ??
Keep doing LONGER VIDEOS! Short ones are ok, but we like multiple!
nice mark