This young woman apparently caught it all on camera when a ‘ghost’ made things go bump in the night in her bedroom. The CCTV footage, posted online from an unknown location, shows her sleeping soundly before the door slowly creaks open and crashing and banging starts – causing her to wake with a start. She runs out of the room in fright, but eventually goes back to bed … only for the ghostly goings-on to continue. The question is – was it really a spook or an elaborate spoof?
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Ghost is horney
Ensure that your smartphone have flashlight or torch.
If I was a Ghost… I would try and get in bed with her too. Damn she fine!
Put some wd40 on those door joints!
the ghost wants to rock the bed
Yo let that ghost do his thing he just wanted to bust his ol ghost nuts down her throat
Ayat kursi..
Asma sirr
Asma sunge rajeh..
Sklian aja tarung v:
Why are they filming her anyway? Poor thing… one like=1 prey
I don't buy it.
Odd that she has a security camera in her room facing her bed
She's so sleep, she doesnt know whats going on. Probably wake up the next day like…another great night of sleep last night.
Great vid but that stop motion animation I am a animator I see the arts
"I'm a beautiful damsel in distress, will you protect me?" "Sure love, I'd be happy to…actually, screw that, I'm outta here!"
0:29 at the bottom left
Did you see it????????
Who sleeps with a camera faceing the bed
That is hella scary i wonder if this happen to me when im sleeping OMG
I like how the camera is conveniently placed there
A cam girl films herself even during sleep
As soon as she woke up 0:21 on her right it’s was a orb that left qucik
Is someone jerking off in the background got damn that is scary. Easilly explained she had things hanging from one side of the door any small draft of air would have done that.
Me when my door moves MOOOOOMMMMM!!!! GET THE CAMERA!!!!!
No ghost here look at her hand when the door is opening. and what moves her sheets is her leg.
for me I will run
Bad acting huh
Who puts a camera in their bedroom?
xp orbs flying by
Calls Ghostbusters*
she is too dumb to realize that it was Ghost.
If you watch the video carefully you will notice alot of orbs flying around the room.
>~< call me jk
yeah this is lame.
to anyone being scared about ghosts, know this, there is no such thing as ghosts, they do not exist, if you are scared, it's just paranoia
Night time using Night-Vision is the best way to see Ghost. Any time you see a bunch of light orbs flying around thats the time a Ghost is there and will often turn on/off lights, open/close cabinets, knock things down on the floor, and even turn on/off faucets and showers.
Am I the only one who sees orbs flying around?
what if she had a one thin string in her hand pulled the door and then shut it without problem
its strange how she wakes up stressed out and didnt even take a look at what the door did
to anyone who wants to know if ghosts exist or not idk and if and why subjects are moving bthemslvs i too dont know all i know is ive seen a box of cigarrette filters sitting on a table to be lifted only from one end up and then drop to its place again when all of the physicall people existing in the same room were me and the rest sitting around the table while me and my mom were the ones witnessing it i was dead when i saw this just on the table infont of my legs
Brave Lady
Definitely a ghost you can see the orb after she moves
Too people saying it’s weird that the camera is pointing directly at her at this point is probably because she has had this many times and probably wanted to show proof.
And the Academy Award goes to, sleeping beauty. I do believe in ghosts, not this one.
Why isshe filming herself sleeping?
She’s like me the light turns on and ur blanket goes to a magical land
She that hot sleeping alone ? wtf let me hit that?
Lol they stole this off of Jukin video