Comment below who will win the next battle!!
Goku fights Sasuke in a epic Battle !!
Vegeta and Gohan joins the battle !!
Naruto is out eating noodles!!
Song by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXv9qGKdvCE
My Instagram https://www.instagram.com/baysolive/?hl=en
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Goku should easily beat them all in base form and yall over here making it look like sasuke and all them are a match for dragon ball
This is mad funny
hell nah i did not expect gohan in this bih
Bruh 4:05 that beat with gohan tho
Damn wass that song when gohan came in like oh shii
then add trunks and vegeta
This is unrealistic cus goku would be wooping everyone's ass like one hit and shi
No I mean part10
???? this funny guys
Beat him up
I’ve watched all of the videos and this channel goated
So we just not gonna talk about how that scream started..? 1:58
Whats the beginning song ?
Why is sasuke looking at a water bottle
Are you gowing to make a part two
And Naruto will be back he will be done with the ramen sometime right
For team Naruto put Boruto in for it can be far
Man y’all go hard! ???