Today we’re doing the top five largest sinkholes caught on camera! Nature can sure be scary! Let us know in the comments below some of your top five video ideas!
*The videos used in this compilation qualify under fair use*
Video Attributions: Ruptly TV, History Channel
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Note: The videos featured on the Top Fives channel are for educational and informational purposes. If you have a good idea for a video, leave us a comment! We try to read each and every comment made.
Why every shit happens in America?
When the video says "largest sinkhole" then the first clip he says " caused by a small sinkhole" wtf ??..
what is at the top right of the last sink hole at the time 4:19 because i think it might be a lake monster.
I saw
Who else is watching this when the 7.1 earthquake happened in California yesterday?? I know I am ✋?
when you play hole.io in real life
ohhhhhh OMG
meanwhile in russia
That driver is at lucky because the stupid idiot didn't give way
Why isn't the thumbnail "ever" the first video, wtf!
1:21 no shit sherlock
Nonesense video
Fighting for freedom and die but I am not afraid of
Italiani ce ne sono???????
Secco strikes again
Bek yulodehqqbf fucbwow iqhs owid syab sowd fgs adfi loket na ridg nekosl
Another poorly written script read by the most boring person they could find….
Hmmmmm sinkhole? More like Hole.io ?
Music name 2:00 please!!