Aviation Disasters Caught on Video: Face it, driving sucks. It’s expensive, you have to wait in traffic, you spend a fortune on gas, and strangers are always flipping you the bird.
But, at least your car isn’t a screaming ball of fire plummeting toward the ground like a meteor full of aviation fuel!
We promise that after you’re done watching the Top 5 Real Aviation Disasters Caught on Video, driving your morning commute is going to feel like the warm embrace of a security blanket! So, buckle up your five point harness and pull the ripcord! You’re about to get a face full of disaster!
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Please watch: “Crying dog breaks the internet’s heart — but this sad dog story has a happy ending”
This voice actor is a errrrhhooorrrrrr
Your approach sucks…no pun intended either
comment here are salty much
Yes jokes anywhere but here
The narrator is very disrespectful. I did not like this video. Worst video.
Low key watching this is an airport
Someone forgot the Hindenburg
Ok Now I Can Not Go Travel Anymore Because If There Was A Plane Crash
Stronk soviet design
go to an air show to watch a plane crash too
1:40 2 days after I was born.
I love the narrator ??? dude how do yu make it that funny
What an oofing bad narrating
4:10 God did his help there
In sweden an airshow disaster
A person was it by a jet head on
The person survived
what about november 11th new york
I'm sorry…I can't watch this. Not of the disaster but your voice and commentary.
Please sir…I know you have 2 million + subs but can you be a bit more sensitive?
The narrator must be trying to make up for his small package. This is disgusting.
You now that cars arent as safe as planes just saying
definitely not funny
Also 4:05 3 people died wut?!?!?!
That was a giant explosion
People killed in a plane crash Sad
Kids killed by plane crash SUPER SAD poor children
This mix has 666 vids in It…
Also viewers should read to description. It is very disrespectful.
Very disrespectful narration. Cracking jokes about something like this is not very respectful. This video made me unsubscribe from TomoNews US. Next time write your script for a video put a little more thought into it.
I liked watching this playlist but I got terrified by the "666 videos"
I don't think there should be humor in this video it is very disrespectful and anyone who does find it funny should be ashamed of themselves
airplanes are actually safer.
Good hurricane aka typhoon
There are 666 more videos! That's the Devils number!
9/11 should be 1
in my screen Ultimate Tomonews video is 666 elluminati confirmed
Very disrespectful
Could've been a nice video, but the level of ignorance of the narrator and his "humor" is unacceptable
Actually flying is way safer than driving.
Just think of the people that were killed not the narrator.
What about the concord crash a few years ago ? Bad commentary on video.
Why is the narrator so happy???
Making comedy out of human tragedy? Very distasteful!
This guy is a little too upbeat, don't you think?
Love the narrator
watched this on mute
the narrator is a…well, I mean he's from the US. By nature, he's a retarder.
Worst tryhard voice ever! Eww!
This is why I wish I can fly on my own.
Did the pilot at 0:17 survive?
The next time you're going to create a video about tragic events….SHUT UP and use subtitles instead…