Become a BucketHead: http://bit.ly/28ZTTrA
Original Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEVsQltZ2Bk
Nicks Gaming Channel: http://bit.ly/1dBebFi
Nicks Twitter: https://twitter.com/YaBoyDyn
Become a BucketHead: http://bit.ly/28ZTTrA
Original Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEVsQltZ2Bk
Nicks Gaming Channel: http://bit.ly/1dBebFi
Nicks Twitter: https://twitter.com/YaBoyDyn
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some truth right here
I feel like my step dad and yo dad would get along well
9:15 ewwww
1:16 ouhh titties lmfao
1:15 i know he was gonna say that shit lol???
1:15 "ouuuhh titties!! "XD I'm dead
Best dad ive ever seen funny fun.. Ect good video guys keep it up
The reason or motivation for people to do these things is called Adrenaline. Adrenaline is like a drug to some people.
2:40 anyone know that song
Onefour the message
Just talking normal and then ooooh tittie's
Plz reatc to base jump without parachute Antti Pendikainen
That man really crazy
May he R.I.P
What is the music??
5:50 I know this video is funny but damn that got real
The snowboard part was edited so it looked like the same thing
3:45 like thanos* yeah yea
Yo ass said oh tittes
5:37 That's so deep. Wow.
Come on you said ur gonna post more but take a 5 day break lol #morevideos all love tho lol
Wer ist auch alles Deutscher
Subscribe that the Buckethead family can go on vacay
U been to Germany? I like u even more đ
I like your connection! You call you father dude! I would never ever would dare to have called my father dude^^
The Lizard is a Chamilion
Itâs a chameleon, oh wait, oh
the vid in the description is banned cause the account is banned. i think the 1st clip did that…
I know this video is old but I am only watching it now haha, just thought I should say the long skier clip at the start is by a guy called candide thovex. He has other videos called one of those days and does adverts for example an Audi ad. Very entertaining! Also has his own ski brand (faction skis) you should check out his other vids! The clips you see of him skiing on rocks and grass, that stuff has been set up prior so it is not normally doable. For example I know they water down the grass to reduce friction so you maintain speed
Your dads a wise man ,great stuff??
Ohh tites
How many people are going to comment oh titys
A comelion
"Oouh that's fun, Oouh that's not fun"
"We don't have enough fun in our lifes, we work to much" Is the best thing i've heard in my life.
thats a chameleon
5:50 couldn't agree more