Friday is here, so that means it’s time for our weekly round up of fails! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll subscribe! We have a lot of great stuff in this one, tell us which one you loved the most.
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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!
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Guy Feeds Shark With Fish on Hand https://goo.gl/TN9jH6
Cat Attempts to Jump and Falls Through Pillow Case https://goo.gl/fgwWpy
BMX Rider Faceplants Halfpipe https://goo.gl/393oMI
Dog Fails to Get Over Log in Lake https://goo.gl/m8PJr9
Guy Smiles Through Workout Fails https://goo.gl/48PYSV
Wakeboarder Falls Backward Off Rail https://goo.gl/bXNxY2
Rock Into Race Car Window https://goo.gl/SzNAo7
Boy Hits Head on Table https://goo.gl/8x6WkZ
Branch Snaps While Guy Swings on Rope Swing https://goo.gl/OI33E1
Girl Falls While Twirling Silk Sheets https://goo.gl/EBM08Q
Guy Accidentally Throws Golf Club Back at Camera Man https://goo.gl/n9jOMt
Guy Falls off Back of Truck https://goo.gl/kGzetw
Guy Smiles Through Workout Fails https://goo.gl/p4s1VR
Guy Falls Off Slippery Table https://goo.gl/BRBGmU
Moving House Gets Crushed by Bridge https://goo.gl/HmsWqf
Scooter Rider Lands With Rail In Between Legs https://goo.gl/gVtVE6
Guy Throws Baseball Right Into Camera https://goo.gl/FP1Ods
Rock Climber Falls Hard Onto Ground https://goo.gl/DDm2VS
Police Officer Tries to Chase Away Emu https://goo.gl/6elAOr
Guy Slips and Hits Butt on Rock During Rope Swing Attempt https://goo.gl/GFYOMk
SUV Hits Teen on Bicycle and Speeds Away https://goo.gl/vCaAUn
Girl Attempts to Jump on Water Bottle and Falls https://goo.gl/tkTxaM
Woman Runs Into Wall https://goo.gl/FyozLL
Girl Flips Off Horse https://goo.gl/lC7LCo
Deer Into Through Family’s House https://goo.gl/2sOcMI
Ball in Claw Machine Bounces Back Into Pile https://goo.gl/hx03zH
Guy Attempts to Break Wooden Plank With Head https://goo.gl/OCiqF9
Guy Kicks Ball into Friend’s Nuts https://goo.gl/w7X5uF
Guy Tries Out Infamous Charcoal Mask https://goo.gl/6TVvOA
Guy Smiles Through Workout Fails https://goo.gl/zngNhL
Plumber Snake Breaks Through Toilet https://goo.gl/gR0Zqf
Juggler Hits Self in Face with Pins https://goo.gl/R4hSC4
Girl Tries to Leap Over Creek https://goo.gl/9emwGD
#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
Bro the deer said FBI OPEN UP
4:13 yay I got it
(It bounced back in their)
(Takes gun out and shoots the glass)
2:25 MEEP MEEP ?
1:37 he rescues the presses in her cage
0:33 looks like King Kong doing dat flip then this happens
That poor Emu lol it didn't want to get arrested ?
3:32 look at the tv they are watching the big bang theory
if these are "personal" then why are they on YouTube?
No one?…Ok! 1:19, you can thank me with a like, good human. '3'
At 3:32 I was like HOLY SHIT ITS BAMBI !!!!!! Laughing so hard ?????
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if u read this all the way u have good luck for life
1:51 oh hello Fayetteville…
It's a freakin deer, worst it is gonna do is eat your plants. Why was she so aftriad?
So Hot
So Funny
So SeXy
song at 1:50
3:56 poor thing. It must be so scared. 🙁
The sound was messed up a little
2:49 wtf how high was the driver
conservative anniversary expression provide fold summit construct campaign telescope previously manager.
4.40 l'italia si fa sempre riconoscere….
3:34 i guess that is a way to enter a house
1:16 need more context. Yeh, context.
2:16 OOF
Train Fails please
part 2 of Dashcam fails please
I would be surprised if whomever makes those stackable crates you jump on has not been sued yet. There's at least one person falling off one of those on every failarmy video
5:23 idk i thought it was a snake
3:33 Bambi is a robber now after being a child movie star
1:36 Press SPACE to vault.
"Don't ever do this."
OK, I won't ever do black face
3:37 ouch