Top 10 Scariest Paranormal Documentary Shows

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Top 10 Scariest Paranormal Documentary Shows
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Ghost hunting paranormal investigation makes for some really silly, but very entertaining television. And these shows do a great job at making even the most jaded audience members suspect that maybe, just maybe, ghosts are real. Do ghost huntings shows ever prove that ghosts exist? Maybe, maybe not but they sure get pretty frightening and real from time to time. So join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the scariest paranormal television series.

List Rank and Entries
#10. “Haunted Collector” (2011-13)
#9. “Paranormal Lockdown” (2016)
#8. “Paranormal State” (2007-11)
#7. “Most Haunted” (2002-10; 2013; 2014)
#6. “A Haunting” (2005-07; 2012)
#5. “Destination Truth” (2007-12)
#4. “The Dead Files” (2011)
#3, #2 & #1: ?

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  1. if you are great, prove to us that you and the team can incorporate Satan into the human body and then become possessed (medium) and then you talk to a question and answer about the history of the location.

    Can you afford it?

    If you are not able, then I help so that it can be realized

  2. Ghost hunters was great until they got more famous, then they faked findings and told people to react certain ways. A member that left them spilled the beans on a podcast.

  3. Guys,im searching for a weird vid wich involved a investigation about a spirit of a witch and one of the people recorded had,for a few seconds,a weird smile on her face.i cant seem to find it…

  4. Dudes..! I am a great fan of GA and I know they are real. They use a lot of gadgets to capture spirits activities etc but If you want to watch real activities of ghosts just on a single camera, you just need to watch this paranormal show. They are based in Pakistan, you might get some trouble in understanding their language but just focus on their findings. You would definitely be surprised. I bet..

  5. My favorites are ghost adventures with Zak and paranormal lockdown especially that I really like nick and how he behaves while trying to capture they don't jump so often and scream like ghost hunters I used to liked it but they started to be over dramatic and I just hate it I want to listen and see and not not hear nothing because they screaming or running straight away and I can't see it and then they say did you see it and I'm like yeah I wished I seen it hate this one

  6. i think paranormal witness is the one that had some rapey shit in it and yeah i remember THAT only from the show and it bothers me still lol i was 12 too

  7. I personally really enjoyed Scariest Placest on Earth. They really know how to make everything sound weird and eerie. I think it was the most 'believable' show in all honesty. But I also enjoy the short documentary about the sighting, and sometimes people go over to investigate.

  8. Paranormal State has been proven to be set up by Ryan and Chip Coffey. Ryan is now in jail for fraud after ripping off fans for over $80,000 in fees paid to him for fake meet n greets with him of which he would always cancel at the last minute and then not offer a refund. Chip Coffey has also been proven to be a fraud and has been shown to look up info on people before he meets them and then tries to dazzle them with what he knows, which is only his cyber stalking.

  9. Hey guys! We're a couple that just started ghost hunting? an exploring the supernatural?. We go to abandoned locations (schools, Ghost towns, factories, ect.) at night to explored them. We would really appreciate it if you guys checked out our channel?. Thank you so very much!?? By the way your channel is amazing! We hope to have our channel be amazing as yours?

  10. Pfffft……. seen some of these and no Ghost Hunter show comes close to scary in my opinion and I am a big horror fanatic, and The Most Haunted worst ghost hunting show ever.

  11. You say scariest documentary shows then start the video with Most Haunted…. the biggest fake of them all???? Even announced as fake by ex cast.

  12. Can you help people who can hear them ? I do not want to hear it. Tis been olready 6 years they are anoying me . Ze zijn hier nu in Gent met honderden omdat ze weten dat ik hun kan horen zijn ze gekomen met een hele bende spirits , fakt up . Ik wil er gewoon vanaf geraken

  13. Paranormal Witness is well…….very scary at times lol Dead Files is an amazing show too. Amy Alan is strange but very real if you ask me

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