Narrated by Chills: http://bit.ly/ChillsYouTube
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In this top 15 list, we look at events caught on dash cam that will leave you with chills. Some of these moments are so unlikely, it’s almost amazing they were caught on camera in the first place. Imagine what would be recorded if we all owned a dashcam.
Written by: Jonah Petruic
Edited by: Chills
Sources: https://pastebin.com/SP2t7fKK
“Controlled Chaos”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
This video was narrated by Chills. Social Media Links:
Chills’ YouTube: http://bit.ly/ChillsYouTube
Chills’ Twitter: http://bit.ly/ChillsTwitter
Chills’ Instagram: http://bit.ly/ChillsInstagram
Woat number 15 explosion woat that's – number 7
OMG!! when I was on Vacation there was a thunderstorm and lightning hit a tree just across the road!! My family and I were riding bikes home from a lake!! I’m serious
#8 ghost car does anyone else see the siloets of like people sitting around a table?.
I Can't Stand His Voice This Is Why I Never Watch This Channel.
burger king foot letus the last thing you want in your burger king burger is someones foot funguuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssss
The first one kinda sounds like Chernobyl even tho it’s not
S t i l l c h i l l
Holy crap that explosion was big
3:22 so we aren’t gonna talk about how he pronounced paducah pudcuh?
Dark Matter is a better YT page
You pronounced “Paducah,Ky” wrong ?
n O b O d Y w A s I n J u R e D
sounds better at 0.75
#15 tho??
As someone who lives in Alberta, those fires were really scary.
0:28 does that remind anyone of the particle accelerator in the CW Flash
officer miller saved a life that’s a good person
Kid: drives a car to get out of church
Number 15 burger king foot lettuce
3:23 the dash cam fell
2:17 me dodging these hoes
You know that rubber is a insulator so if you can gets hit my lightning your fine because the electricity goes to the rubber and well ya your fine
Is this the foot lettuce dude
I am in literal fear for the giant fire.
for Officer Miller wonder if he's a dad himself
Imagine turning off the engine of a plane…. Mid air… What
gosth car drove under
4:12 Hey dad, can I wait in a car? May I have a key?
At 2:14 why was the truck going backwards? Like why did the bed of the truck come first if the traffic wasn’t going that way
At 8:44 look to your left and you shall see that he breached the fence.
1:10 Yes, you did just witness someone's final moments.
What a coincidence just earlier I was recommended the Tianjin explosion but the Attack on Titan OST way playing behind it
9:37 Purple fire?
9:49 that’s scary but beautiful
that ghost car people say when it turns into the fence before it goes off cam if u pay close attention the front of the car flips up so it probably jumped over and it can't be a spirit because when the side of the "ghost car" you can see what makes out to be somebody's head
7:16 we be back soon
a prerequisite to having kids should be knowing basic C.P.R.
Fallout 4 war never changes
hey could you tell chills this: (number 15 burger king foot lettuce is still a meme bro just make another)
who else almost cried when the kid need cpr