MORE Scary ghost videos of strange encounters and ghosts caught on camera! Top 5 scary videos that will probably give you nightmares. DON’T watch in the dark. DON’T watch before bed. You’ve been warned! 😉
Ghosts, haunted houses, paranormal encounters, poltergeists, haunted places, and just basically all scary things caught on camera. If you want to get scared, this is the video for you 🙂
If you enjoyed this video, also check out these other Nuke’s Top 5 videos:
5 Scary Ghost Videos To Give You NIGHTMARES ! *DON’T watch ALONE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adcAbAJtElc
and 5 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Give You GOOSEBUMPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLJAGCIq2DI
Huge thanks to Edu for the translation of the Spanish video! Twitter: @edubsas
No one :
Not a soul :
NukesTop5 : Someone or Something, is this true? Or just an elaborate hoax
No more Facebook because it's terrible. So, no more Facebook. LOL Funniest thing I've heard in a long time.
Yo. It looks like the same little boy is standing in the distance right at 3 minutes.
That shadow in the thing with a school thingy is a glitch of the martricks
It was just a drunk highschool senior that got locked in the attic
Ótimos vídeos e edição
I'm the one who banged the door and whispered them to leave
What’s truly eerie is thinking about the reality the supernatural and extraterrestrial live with. Like when people leave a haunted area, imagine if you could see inside the area and things actually go nuts. It’s hard to explain, but imagine how things really are once you leave that area.
All is fake
maybe you can give us some videos about most viral fake ghosts that the evidence has examined
We need a person in the comments to warn us for jump scares.
The pvc test was a scam, the fan is clearly on because the string keeps moving.
The hair on the dog's head was standing STRAIGHT UP….. She's seeing shit.
I’d just like to point out our genius senior prank: setting hundreds of alarms on hundreds of the students school iPads and hiding them in lockers throughout the school… that whole day was crazy
(In) security
Me: do u mean out security
Not much of a joker
thank god i sup to your channels and enjoyed every second of vid dude
I got really goosebumps from the last video, everytime I rewind it.. Im from PH btway nice video
If I saw any ghosts in my house I'll get my phone and dog and run to my friend's house
They did not catch shit
OMG… Myrtle's video…
Cosa era sulla strada? L'ultima!
HOLY GOD?!!!?? ?
Nukes really cool
Why is México are always haunted.
Why is the security guard sitting in the dark? that's just creepy
Five nights at Freddy’s at 2.40
"Is it a ghost or a raccoon" like why would you think its a ghost? We know raccoons exist….
Y'all know the game called five nights at freddy right? Well this feels like five nights at ghosts