For 70 years, the Guide Dog Foundation has been training puppies to be guide dogs for the blind and visually impaired. At a young age, the dogs are introduced to their harness so it becomes a familiar and fun object. About half the dogs that go through the training program become guide dogs. The foundation’s main concern is making sure the dog is happy and ready for their lifelong career.
See more from the Guide Dog Foundation: https://www.guidedog.org/
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Produced by: Emily Christian
My boi failed obedience school. I'm going to show him this so he feels guilty about it :'v
i’m not crying, you are
this sent me off to tears
Theyre such a big miracle to people's lives
And then here’s my dog acting like a stuffed animal
the only reason i clicked this video is because of the cute puppy on the thumbnail ?
I'm going to have my dog be a psychiatric service dog for school. Does anyone have training tips??
Question. Who picks up the poop? ?
Reason number 24568633257
Why dogs are the best.
Girl imma ugly cry too I’m so proud of them??❤️
My dog just stole my food
+mollyBurke thought of you when this came across my recommended. I’m
Sure you’ve seen this but it was so interesting to possibly see what Gallup might have gone through.
Can i have this job :’)
Child labor, dog style.
Where do i apply
This is how children should be taught
What dog breed is this? The puppies were so cute
Guide dogs:slides in to harness
My dog: runs away from me
Me: …..
I dont know why but this made me tear up ?
i love this woman! shes so sweet! im so happy for her
"How Puppers Train To Be Good Bois"
Everyone liked that
aww all of the dogs are so cute!!!
these are the goodest boys
Plz train my dog
Why am I crying…. LOL jeeze..?
i got a dog training ad before this video…
and i oop-
Cuteness overload
This is the cutest shit I've ever seen ?
Is no one going to talk about that puppy who fell off the stairs ;(
The best bois