Poor Abandoned Puppy Crying All Night Long | Dog Rescue Stories
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SG Dog Foundation
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Other Sources:
BoredPanda: http://www.boredpanda.com
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
★★★Most Inspiring Rescue Stories ★★★
1- Rescue Starved, Scared Abandoned Dog
2 – Rescue Poor Abandoned Puppy With A Broken Leg
3 – Puppy Hit By Car Crying In Pain
4 – Rescue Poor Puppy Covered by Thousand of Ticks And In Severly Malnourished,
5 – Rescued Street Dog – Unbelievable Transformation
6 – Rescue A Poor Abandoned Dog On Street
7 – Rescue A Starving, Abandoned Dog
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All images belong to its respectful owners
No copyright infringement is intended.
Rescue the puppy already.
Are you planning on helping the poor dog or just filming it?
But about the chickens?
are you going to leave him here
are you going to leave him here???
this is so very sad
he had no food or
water he had no
place to go:(?????????
You going to rescue? Do it pick him up
He is starving
I ❤️?
what for video if you not help
Perdi meu tempo neste vídeo Porra. Cadê o resgate do cachorro?
This world is cruel with cruel people If u abandoned a puppy ur the cruelest person like everybody else if ur a animal rescuer ur the best of people in the world and I love dogs I have a German sharpey well I think
I hope you help that hen too, they tie her legs up for easy catching later shame on these people all you need to do is catch the chicken at night time
I hate peoples chain up their dogs. Why would they do that to animals?
Pls rescue that bird as well. The bird can hardly move because his leg has been tied
I hope the chicken was cut loose also .
?️{"was the chicken rescued too?"}?️
vote DOWN this staged shitty "rescue" video.. there is no rescue here… more like they are finding food for some restaurants maybe??? disgusting
wtf kind of shitty "rescue" video is this??? they cut the puppy free and just let it wander around without taking it to a vet or place to help it get well and find a home??? fucking assholes.. and did they cut the poor chicken free from it's bindings?? these people are not true animal rescue outfits, they are idiots… terrible video..
Save the chicks while you're at it
Poor puppy. Needs water and food
Thanks for helping.
Grazie a voi ANGELI degli animali, vi auguro ogni bene.???????????????????
Essere poveri, non deve coincidere con crudeltà, vi meritate la vita che vivete bastardi, non mi fate pena. Pufffffff, vi sputo in faccia gente senza cuore.
Ma x che cazzo mi tengono un cagnolino alla catena, ma anche se fosse grande. Maledette catene schifose. BASTAAAAAAAAAAAA CATENE, BASTAAAAAAAAAAAA. X che non vi fate incatenati voi maledetti e poi mi dite se vi piace. In culo a chi va muerti bastardi.?????????????????????
Chained up even worse! Just left it there to die
When I saw the puppy I had to like this???????????
Those chickens looked to be in worse condition.
Those who live there are animal abusers, they must be in the jail. Look at the conditions of that poor puppy and the poor chicken tied by a leg. How unfortunate they are. Release the hen please! She is a little animal that feels and suffers too. Denounce those monsters.
I'm with other people did they rescue the chickens or cut that poor chicken loose it didn't even seem like they cared much about the dog or the other animals there
Thank you for helping caring loving these innocent animals. God bless you all people
Que bien y a la pobre gallinita q estaba amarrada de su pata, la soltaron tambien…ojala haya sido asi…
Che meraviglia ??
What about the chickens get someone to help them too please
What they gonna leave puppy there now
I swear ppl are so stupid of course puppy gonna cry his hungry and tied up instead of calling go see what it is and help the poor puppy ignorant ppl
Thank you dear but what about that chicken…help them also
What about that tangled chicken!!!!!??
Thank God she was there
They chained up a chicken and a dog and left them to die ?omg call the police lock them up I hate cruel people
Pup looked at chicken thinking please don't eat me!!
Poor puppy
The law hopefully was called on the bastards that left those poor creatures in such horrible conditions
I'm sure the Humane society has been called for all those unhealthy chickens and chics
What shithole country is this? Looks like Thailand. They will make stew out of him.