These priceless dogs moments will bring a smile to your face! Let us know which one is your favorite.
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These priceless dogs moments will bring a smile to your face! Let us know which one is your favorite.
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Brilliant love em x
YouTube needs a love button!! This is so cute!
6:59 perfect impression of an ex.
7:01, sounds exactly like my math teacher…
Chloe needs coffee
The franchie with the balloon gets the game omg?? it's not just a human thing
Next soccer champion lol
If I'm not mistaken, that one dog as saying, "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."
Cody! ?????
That egg dog was dutch ?
Spoiled little angels, I love to hear them talking.
I cann't HEAR you!!! I sing louder than you!! ……ohw ohwkayyyyy I'll get our of bed….
Sammy, the pet store is CLOSED!!
Awwwwww! He's having fun all by himself.?
Among all the horror and cruelty that pops up every day on my newsfeed, it's wonderful to see dogs loved, happy, free and safe x
Fog with the balloon was in pure joy
5:20 That dog owes the cat money but he forgot to put on the mustache he bought.
I have to admit it dogs are lovely ,and i am a cat person
My head says yes but my body says no!
Another amateur singer trying for fame …, poor Beau
This video is funny and beautiful! ♡♡♡
I like dogs more than people.
Blah..blah..blah..blah ??So adorable!!!
2:30 that's one way to tire out your dog lmao
Fantastic "pragtig"
Very vocal this morning ????
Loved them all but that last one! ???
Open or NOT, Sam wants to shop!
O.m.g. Simon cowell would love the dog balloon vid. Hope he gets to see it.
Omg balloon dog. Happiness at its finest
What I am missing are links to the channels where the videos are from… ?
I know the forst one but I would love to see more of some of the others.
Balloon dog was the best video I have ever seen!
Boythat dog hates mondays like everyone else in the world
Zeus is a big baby
Stupid fucking video
These are good
0:15 is this the same whiny baby that didn't want to get out of the bathtub? lol
Dog two sign them up for Chelsea FC
The first dog had me laughing like hell ???? I act just like that in the morning