Brand new Extreme funny fails compilation of the funniest Fails of the week for April 2019. Selection includes kids getting owned, trick shots gone wrong, home video bloopers, crashes caught on tape, stunts and more outtakes, viral videos and funniest moments caught on camera.
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Extreme Funny Fails Compilation
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The Best Fails of the Week (april 2019) Funny Fail Compilation #27 | Piment’s Videos
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Most AWESOME FAILS on YouTube right now! You're killing FailArmy and TBF!
Please tell me why I thought it would be cool to do parkour because I can’t remember.
3:34 wasn't a fail. She caught it.
I'll poes that idiot with the scooter at 0:30.
Das ist doch wohl ein Witz,,, wenn DAS Deine Besonderheiten sein sollen, dann musst Du ja ein ganz schöner Langeweiler sein !!!! Stop, schluss raus, weg hier !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The World and it's people want and need to be watched; but, they don't want to watch themselves… being watched.
Not parkour more like parkouch
That kid and a pot of stew. Epic!
And I just watched the new FailArmy clip and it was lame gymnastics! Watch it and look at my comment. I hash tagged you, and then some. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I WATCH FOR YOUR VIDEOS EVERYDAY!