This dog was surprised when Oscar winner Jaime Ray Newman and I showed up to rescue him!

This dog was surprised when Oscar winner Jaime Ray Newman and I showed up to rescue him!
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Please become a monthly donor of $5 so we can continue saving these animals:

#HopeForPaws #JaimeRayNewman #Oscar2019

To see many more dogs for adoption, please visit: – they found Seymour his amazing home!! Make sure to watch until the end.
Special thanks to my friend Jaime Ray Newman for helping me save him 🙂

#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos


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  1. I'm starting to see a pattern forming here . I don't think I ever seen them have a video with … Let's just say an unattractive women rescuing a animal . Just an observation .

  2. i really wish he wouldn't always shout HEY HEY HEYYYY NOOOOOO , shouting is never ever going to calm an animal down. And it's proven time and time again when he shouts they start thrashing around even more. And yes before anyone says anything I know he is doing wonderful things.. I've been a long long long time fan and supporter and yes I DO do my own rescue work lol I've left many complimentary messages and shared probably over a thousand times.. this one little thing has been a small cringe with every vid and I couldn't take it anymore I had to say something

  3. May be he wants to attend class in Lincoln elementary school ??…amazing You people can train stray dogs so easily in one day.. I have six rescued puppies and now one year exactely still not listing to me as apha or boss ?..

  4. lol I came to comment about this including OSCAR AWARD WINNER Jaime Ray Newman but I noticed Eldad already beat me to it in the Title and Description! ?

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